Authors › Franz Bardon
Franz Bardon Books
Franz Bardon (1909–1958) was a Czech stage magician and teacher of Hermetics. He is best known for his three volumes on Hermetic magic: Initiation Into Hermetics, The Practice of Magical Evocation, and The Key to the True Quabbalah.An additional fourth work attributed to him by the title of Frabato the Magician, supposed by many of his students to be a disguised autobiography. Though the book lists its author as Bardon, it was actually written by his secretary, Otti Votavova. While some elements of the story are based on Bardon's real life experience, most of the book was written as an occult novel with much embellishment on the part of Votavova.Bardon's works are most notable for their simplicity, their relatively small theoretical sections, and heavy emphasis on practice with many exercises. Students of his, such as William Mistele and Rawn Clark consider him to have written the best training programs of any magician of the 20th century. They were written with the intention of allowing students who wished to practice magic the means to do so if they could not study under a teacher.
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Der Schlüssel zur wahren Quabbalah
Der Quabbalist als vollkommener Herrscher im Mikro - und Makrokosmos
Franz Bardon - 2020-07-20

Initiation Into Hermetics
Franz Bardon - 2016-09-15

Hilfe zur Introspektion - Selbsterkenntnis Element Feuer Negativ
Franz Bardon/Travek - 2015-01-20
This groundbreaking occult book explores the negative soul mirror and its vital role in achieving magical balance. It touches on mystical laws and offers a rich philosophy for self-discovery that will benefit any student of Hermeticism. A landmark work in occult literature, this text is an invaluable tool for those seeking spiritual connection.

Talismanology and Mantram Lore According to Franz Bardon
Seila Orienta, Franz Bardon - 2019-05-19 (first published in 2013)
Discover the power of Talismanology and Mantram Lore with this groundbreaking book. Learn about the hermetically charged mantrams, which offer intense success when practiced with maturity, balance, and purity. Through these mantrams, you can connect with powers, forces, and deities. Plus, you'll learn about the associated seal marks and rituals for each divine idea. This book is a must-read for not only hermeticists but also yoga scholars. However, be warned that the mastery of some mantrams requires much concentration and practice before seeing results. Explore Bardon's Mimicry Formula for Healing and Seila Orienta's complete St. John's Evocation as mentioned in Frabato.

The Golden Book of Wisdom
Revelation of the 4th Tarot Card According to Franz Bardon
Seila Orienta, Franz Bardon - 2014-04-24 (first published in 2013)
Discover ancient wisdom and unlock the secrets of the 4th Tarot Card in this groundbreaking occult text. Seila Orienta elaborates on the teachings of Franz Bardon, revealing never-before-seen concentration and meditation exercises. Explore the differences between magic and mysticism, and learn how to avoid the dangers of a one-sided path. Through the completion of the 4th Tarot Card, you can achieve unification with the universal God, the master of the sun sphere known as 'Metatron' in Quabbalah.
Explore the world of magic through a progressive course designed for students in "La Práctica de la Evocación Mágica." Discover the synthesis of spell magic, a part of magic that was previously undiscovered. This book uses scientific methods to guide the reader into contact with the Spirit-Beings of the Hierarchy of our cosmic system. Dive into the world of magic and uncover the secrets that have been hidden until now.

Franz Bardon - 2012-04-01
This third volume of Introduzione alle dottrine ermetiche by Franz Bardon explores the mysticism of letters and numbers, and how understanding them can lead to magical results. Bardon delves into the ancient and universal teachings of sound, color, vibrations, and their representation in the Qabalah. With practical training, readers will explore the mystical traditions of tantric India, Tibet, Jewish Qabalah, and the Western magical tradition. This text provides a profound depth of Kabbalistic wisdom and practical wisdom unmatched by any other.

Introduzione alla dottrine ermetiche
Franz Bardon - 2011-02-01
In questo secondo volume di Introduzione alle dottrine l'autore illustra le migliori tecniche di auto iniziazione alla magia cerimoniale, e di pratica ed evocazione magica con cui operare sui tre livelli (fisico, mentale e astrale) per ampliare il sapere ed espandere la coscienza dell'iniziato. Suddiviso in tre parti, la prima è interamente dedicat...
Frabato the Magician by Franz Bardon
Le chemin de la véritable initiation magique by Franz Bardon
The Practice of Magical Evocation by Franz Bardon
The Key to the True Kabbalah by Franz Bardon
La Pratique De La Magie Evocatoire by Franz Bardon
La Clé de la Véritable Kabbale by Franz Bardon
Iniziazione all'ermetica. Una pratica della magia by Franz Bardon
Magia Pratica - 10 Passos Para A Iniciaçao (Em Portuguese do Brasil) by FRANZ BARDON
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