Authors › Marie Brennan
Marie Brennan Books
Marie Brennan a.k.a. M.A. CarrickMarie Brennan is a former anthropologist and folklorist who shamelessly pillages her academic fields for material. She recently misapplied her professors' hard work to Turning Darkness Into Light, a sequel to the Hugo Award-nominated series The Memoirs of Lady Trent. As half of M.A. Carrick, she is also the author of The Mask of Mirrors, first in the Rook and Rose trilogy. For more information, visit, Twitter @swan_tower, or her Patreon.
98 books on the list
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Developing Culturally and Historically Sensitive Teacher Education
Global Lessons from a Literacy Education Program (Reinventing Teacher Education)
Yolanda Gayol Ramírez - 2022-03-24
This book explores the development of a culturally sensitive literacy education program in Mexico, addressing the nation's social, economic, technological, and political needs. The program takes into account cultural diversity, historical economic disparities, indigenous and colonial cultures, and power inequities. The editors focus on the process of program development, providing a model for developing an organic program designed to address national concerns and challenges. They advocate for literacy as a tool for social critique and equity, providing tools for youth to critique and change their surroundings.

International Perspectives on Knowledge and Quality
Implications for Innovation in Teacher Education Policy and Practice (Reinventing Teacher Education)
Brian Hudson - 2022-02-24
Democratizing access to knowledge is a crucial aspect of education that needs attention. This international team of authors explores the epistemic quality of education and challenges the knowledge vs skills debate. This book is a must-read for those interested in teacher education and policy innovation. Based on national studies, it offers insights into professional knowledge and its implications for educational settings.
Explore the enchanting stories of Marie Brennan and Jonathan Edelstein in Issue #329 of Beneath Ceaseless Skies. With intriguing cover art by Ankush Sharma, this online magazine will transport you to worlds where Oak Apple Night and the City of Kindness reign. Lose yourself in these captivating tales and immerse yourself in the magic of storytelling.

Discover a fascinating exploration of worldbuilding in science fiction and fantasy with NEW WORLDS, Year Four. Award-winning author and former anthropologist Marie Brennan takes readers on a journey through a diverse range of topics, including childbirth, dream interpretation, and generosity. Collected from the fourth year of the New Worlds Patreon, this volume offers a unique perspective on human culture and the elements that make it so complex. Escape into another world with NEW WORLDS, Year Four.

Join two rival clans on a thrilling adventure to investigate a lethal supernatural mystery in the astonishing realm of Legend of the Five Rings. Chaos has erupted in the Dragon Clan settlement of Seibo Mura, as horrifying creatures unleash havoc and death during the full moon. To save the village, Dragon samurai Agasha no Isao Ryotora must confront his buried past, and an unexpected Phoenix Clan visitor with secrets of his own. This epic fantasy will take you on a quest into the depths of forgotten history and the shifting terrain of the Spirit Realms, where an ancient, terrifying evil awaits.

The Promise and Practice of University Teacher Education
Insights from Aotearoa New Zealand (Reinventing Teacher Education)
Alexandra C. Gunn, Mary F. Hill, David A. G. Berg, Mavis Haigh, Joce Nuttall, Marie Brennan, Peter Smagorinsky, Viv Ellis - 2020-10-01
This book explores the changing nature of initial teacher education, particularly how it has moved into universities in the New Zealand context in response to the government's focus on improving education system performance. The authors draw from a study of teacher education practice in New Zealand and also examine research carried out in other jurisdictions to consider how ITE is constructed and practiced within the institution of the university. The book highlights the promise of university-based ITE provision and offers insights on how student teachers respond to and engage with teacher educators in the service of their own learning.

Flash Fiction Online October 2020
Suzanne W. Vincent, Marie Brennan, Corey Farrenkopf, Sheila Massie, Elsa Richardson-Bach - 2020-09-29

Uncanny Magazine Issue 36
September/October 2020
T. Kingfisher, Samantha Mills, Kenneth Schneyer, Lavie Tidhar, Marie Brennan, James Yu, P. Djèlí Clark - 2020-09-01
Discover the September/October 2020 issue of the Hugo Award-winning Uncanny Magazine, filled with new and reprint fiction from authors like T. Kingfisher and Marie Brennan, as well as insightful essays and poetry. Get exclusive interviews with authors Kenneth Schneyer and Lavie Tidhar and a stunning cover by Christopher Jones. Experience the best in speculative fiction and thought-provoking commentary with Uncanny Magazine Issue 36.
Enter the world of Driftwood, a place of slow apocalypses, where continents crumble into neighborhoods and cultures clash. Meet the enigmatic Last, a one-blooded survivor who has seen his world end many times, as Drifters come together to commemorate him. Bestselling author Marie Brennan's Driftwood chronicles the struggles of survivors and outcasts to keep their worlds alive until everything changes, diminishes, and is destroyed. Experience this unique and haunting novel about the end of worlds.

Transforming Teacher Education with Mobile Technologies
Kevin Burden, Amanda Naylor, Joce Nuttall, Marie Brennan, Peter Smagorinsky, Viv Ellis - 2020-06-11
"Transforming Teacher Education with Mobile Technologies" is an international, comparative overview of mobile learning and teaching/teacher education with case studies from several countries. This book explores how personal technologies like mobile phones are changing the way students learn, and why it's crucial for teachers and teacher education to adapt. The contributors provide answers to these challenges by linking theory to practice and developing theoretical models. This informative and innovative book offers insight into research and cutting-edge pedagogical practice in teaching and teacher education using mobile learning.
Down a Street That Wasn't There (Collected Short Fiction of Marie Brennan) by Marie Brennan
New Worlds, Year Three by Marie Brennan
The Eternal Knot by Marie Brennan
The Nine Lands by Marie Brennan
Flash Fiction Online October 2019 by Suzanne W. Vincent, Marie Brennan, Avra Margariti, Miyuki Jane Pinckard, Caroline Diorio
Beneath Ceaseless Skies Issue #287 (Eleventh Anniversary Double-Issue) by K.J. Parker, Marie Brennan, Shweta Adhyam, Aaron Perry
Cirsova Magazine of Thrilling Adventure and Daring Suspense by Christine Lucas, Marie Brennan, William Huggins, Jim Breyfogle, Ville Meriläinen, Jennifer Povey, Spencer E. Hart, Ken McGrath, Rebecca DeVendra, Hal Y. Zhang
Turning Darkness Into Light by Marie Brennan
Uncanny Magazine Issue 29 by Lynne M. Thomas, Sarah Pinsker, Greg van Eekhout, Rachel Swirsky, P. H. Lee, Marie Brennan, A.C. Wise, Maurice Broaddus, Tim Pratt
Navigating Teacher Education in Complex and Uncertain Times by Carmen I. Mercado
New Worlds, Year Two by Marie Brennan
Uncanny Magazine Issue 27 by Lynne M. Thomas, Karen Osborne, Tina Connolly, Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam, Marie Brennan, Silvia Moreno-Garcia, A.T. Greenblatt, Beth Cato, Cassandra Khaw
Never After by Marie Brennan
Bubble Off Plumb by Dan Kalin, Marie Brennan, David Tallerman, E.E. King, Art Weil, Sarah M. Lewis, Pepper Hume, Karen Ovér, Liz Schriftsteller, Mariah Southworth
Dancing the Warrior by Marie Brennan
Worlds Seen in Passing by Irene Gallo
The Complete Memoirs of Lady Trent Series by Marie Brennan
Arrivals by Michael Underwood, Marie Brennan, Cassandra Khaw
New Worlds, Year One by Marie Brennan
Lace and Blade 4 by Deborah J. Ross
Secondary English Teacher Education in the United States by Donna L. Pasternak, Samantha Caughlan, Heidi L. Hallman, Laura Renzi, Leslie S. Rush
Ars Historica by Marie Brennan
Beneath Ceaseless Skies Issue #238 by Marie Brennan, Gillian Daniels
Maps to Nowhere by Marie Brennan
Dice Tales by Marie Brennan
Memoirs of a Shitty Life by MARIE BRENNAN
Lightning in the Blood by Marie Brennan
Within the Sanctuary of Wings by Marie Brennan
The Struggle for Teacher Education by Tom Are Trippestad
Eloise and the elephant by marie brennan
In London's Shadow by Marie Brennan
The Best of Abyss & Apex, Volume Two by Various Authors
Cold-Forged Flame by Marie Brennan
Beneath Ceaseless Skies Issue #207 by Marie Brennan, Thomas M. Waldroon
From the Editorial Page of the Falchester Weekly Review by Marie Brennan
In the Labyrinth of Drakes by Marie Brennan
Clockwork Phoenix 5 by Marie Brennan, Beth Cato, C.S.E. Cooney, Carlos Hernandez, A.C. Wise, Shveta Thakrar, Alex Dally MacFarlane, Sonya Taaffe, Cassandra Khaw
Chains and Memory by Marie Brennan
The Voyage of the Basilisk by Marie Brennan
Some of the Best from, 2014 edition by Various Various Authors
Shared Nightmares by Larry Correia, Sarah Hoyt, D.J. Butler, Tom Lloyd, Paul Genesse, Michaelbrent Collings, Steven Diamond, Marie Brennan, Howard Tayler
Monstrous Beauty by Marie Brennan
Mythic Delirium by Ken Liu, Jane Yolen, Marie Brennan, Yoon Ha Lee, Amal El-Mohtar, Beth Cato, Kenneth Schneyer, Nicole Kornher-Stace
Daughter of Necessity by Marie Brennan
Zombies by Paula Guran, Jay Wilburn, Mike Carey, Stephen Graham Jones, Caitlin R. Kiernan, Neil Gaiman
Neverland's Library by Mark Lawrence
The Tropic of Serpents by Marie Brennan
Mad Maudlin by Marie Brennan
The Book of Apex (Book of Apex, #4) by Lynne M. Thomas
Writing Fight Scenes by Marie Brennan
Mythic Delirium Magazine Issue 0.1 by Marie Brennan, Ken Liu, Amal El-Mohtar, C.S.E. Cooney, Alexandra Seidel, Karthika Naïr, Sonya Taaffe, S. Brackett Robertson, Virginia M. Mohlere
Clockwork Phoenix 4 by Marie Brennan, Tanith Lee, Gemma Files, Richard Parks, Nicole Kornher-Stace, Cat Rambo, Yves Meynard, Camille Alexa, Kenneth Schneyer
A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan
Deeds of Men by Marie Brennan
Welcome to Welton by Marie Brennan
Lies and Prophecy by Marie Brennan
Beneath Ceaseless Skies #104 by Seth Dickinson, Marie Brennan
Willful Impropriety by Ekaterina Sedia
Apex Magazine Issue 39 by Genevieve Valentine, Jim C. Hines, Kat Howard, Marie Brennan, Nir Yaniv
InterGalactic Awards Anthology Vol. I by James Maxey, Peter S. Beagle, Scott Roberts, Eric James Stone, Aliette deBodard, Eugie Foster, Marie Brennan, Alethea Kontis
With Fate Conspire by Marie Brennan
The Best of Beneath Ceaseless Skies Online Magazine, Year Two by Aliette de Bodard, Margaret Ronald, Saladin Ahmed, Marie Brennan
Bewere the Night by Marie Brennan, Holly Black, Elizabeth Hand, Sandra McDonald, Cherie Priest, Vandana Singh, Kaaron Warren
Beneath Ceaseless Skies #67 by Greg Linklater, Marie Brennan
Beneath Ceaseless Skies #66 by Heather Fawcett, Marie Brennan
Beneath Ceaseless Skies #60 by Camille Alexa, Marie Brennan
The Best of Talebones by Patrick Swenson
A Star Shall Fall by Marie Brennan
Beneath Ceaseless Skies #50 by Marie Brennan, Liz Coleman
Shroud 9 by Brian Keene, Kevin Lucia, Scott Christian Carr, Alethea Contis, Debbie Kuhn, Lon Prater, J.R. McLemore, Ty Schwamberger, T.J. May, Robert T. Canipe
Re-Positioning University Governance and Academic Work by Jill Blackmore
Clockwork Phoenix 3 by Marie Brennan, Tanith Lee, Gregory Frost, Gemma Files, John C. Wright, Cat Rambo, John Grant, Nicole Kornher-Stace, C.S.E. Cooney
Beneath Ceaseless Skies #44 by Marie Brennan, Adam Corbin Fusco
Running with the Pack by Ekaterina Sedia
Clockwork Phoenix 2 by Catherynne M. Valente, Mary Robinette Kowal, Saladin Ahmed, Marie Brennan, Leah Bobet, Gemma Files, Kelly Barnhill, Tanith Lee, Claude Lalumière
Policy and Politics in Teacher Education by John Furlong
In Ashes Lie by Marie Brennan
Shroud 6 by Rick Hautala, Jeff Strand, Marie Brennan, Bev Vincent, Timothy Deal, Steve Vernon
Witch by Marie Brennan
Warrior by Marie Brennan
Clockwork Phoenix by Catherynne M. Valente, Tanith Lee, Laird Barron, Marie Brennan, Ekaterina Sedia, John C. Wright, John Grant, Leah Bobet, Erin Hoffman
Beneath the Surface by Timothy Deal
Midnight Never Come by Marie Brennan
For King and Country by Brian MacArthur
Doppelganger + Warrior and Witch by Marie Brennan
Summoned to Destiny by Julie E. Czerneda
Foucault's Challenge by Thomas S. Popkewitz, Marie T. Brennan
Secondary Schooling In A Changing World by Susan Groundwater-Smith
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