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Mejores Libros de Ficción Cristiana

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Mejores Libros de Ficción Cristiana
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Amor redentor book cover
Amor redentor
Francine Rivers - 2007-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1991)
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La exitosa autora Francine Rivers relata nuevamente la historia b�blica de amor de G�mer y Oseas en un cuento ambientado con el emocionante tel�n de fondo de la fiebre del oro de California. La protagonista, �ngela, es una joven mujer que fue vendida para la prostituci�n cuando era ni�a. Miguel Oseas es un hombre piadoso enviado a la vida de �ngela para atraerla al amor redentor del Salvador. Esta notable novela ha vendido m�s de medio mill�n de copias y est� entre los veinte primeros de la lista de mayores �xitos de ventas de libros de ficci�n de la ECPA por cuatro a�os consecutivos. �Ahora viene tambi�n con una secci�n de estudio b�blico y est� disponible en una nueva y fascinante cubierta! Amor Redentor, un nuevo y poderoso relato del libro de Oseas, es una historia que cambia la vida por el amor incondicional, redentor y apasionado de Dios. CARACTER�STICAS Una historia de amor de la exitosa autora con ventas de m�s de medio mill�n de copias Francine Rivers confirma que de todas las novelas que ha escrito, esta es su historia favorita Amor Redentor ha estado en la lista de mejor ventas de la cadena de CBA por mas de sesenta meses Ofrece una historia b�blica de amor y redenci�n que muestra como la gracia de Dios est� disponible para todos aquellos que abren sus cora- zones; los mensajes principales son el perd�n, la redenci�n, y el amor Incluye un estudio b�blico para reflexi�n y ense�anza Seleccionado por Romantic Times como uno de los favoritos de romance entre 200 selecciones Best-selling author Francine Rivers skillfully retells the biblical love story of Gomer and Hosea in a tale set against the exciting backdrop of the California Gold Rush. The heroine, Angel, is a young woman who was sold into prostitution as a child. Michael Hosea is a godly man sent into Angel's life to draw her into the Savior's redeeming love. This remarkable novel has sold over half a million copies and is among the top twenty on the ECPA fiction best-sellers list for four years running. Now complete with a Bible study section and available in a fresh, compelling cover! A powerful retelling of the book of Hosea, Redeeming Love is a life-changing story of God's unconditional, redemptive, all-consuming love. FEATURES Bestselling author's beloved story with over 1,000,000 sold now has a new look Rivers states that this is her favorite story of all the novels she's written Redeeming Love has been on the CBA bestsellers list for over 60 months Offers a life-changing, biblical story of love and redemption showing that God's grace is available to all who will open their hearts; forgive ness, redemption, and love are its core messages Contains a Bible study for further reflection and teaching Chosen as one of Romantic Times' 200 all-time favorite romances
El señor de los anillos book cover
El señor de los anillos
50th Anniversary, One Vol. Edition
J. R. R. Tolkien - 2005-10-12 (publicado por primera vez en 1955)
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One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them In ancient times the Rings of Power were crafted by the Elven-smiths, and Sauron, the Dark Lord, forged the One Ring, filling it with his own power so that he could rule all others. But the One Ring was taken from him, and though he sought it throughout Middle-earth, it remained lost to him. After many ages it fell by chance into the hands of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins. From Sauron's fastness in the Dark Tower of Mordor, his power spread far and wide. Sauron gathered all the Great Rings to him, but always he searched for the One Ring that would complete his dominion. When Bilbo reached his eleventy-first birthday he disappeared, bequeathing to his young cousin Frodo the Ruling Ring and a perilous quest: to journey across Middle-earth, deep into the shadow of the Dark Lord, and destroy the Ring by casting it into the Cracks of Doom. The Lord of the Rings tells of the great quest undertaken by Frodo and the Fellowship of the Ring: Gandalf the Wizard; the hobbits Merry, Pippin, and Sam; Gimli the Dwarf; Legolas the Elf; Boromir of Gondor; and a tall, mysterious stranger called Strider.
Mark of the Lion Series book cover
Mark of the Lion Series
Complete 3-Book Set (A Voice in the Wind, An Echo in the Darkness, As Sure as the Dawn) Christian Historical Fiction Novels Set in 1st Century Rome
Francine Rivers - 1998-09-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1993)
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This bestselling trilogy takes readers on a journey through the persecution and perseverance of 1st-century Christians in hedonistic Rome. Follow a young slave girl torn by love and clinging to her faith, a man searching for a way out of the darkness of his soul, and a revered gladiator whose life is about to change forever. Experience the power of faith and the sacrifices made for it in this epic tale.
Una arruga en el tiempo book cover
Una arruga en el tiempo
Madeleine L'Engle - 2017-11-07 (publicado por primera vez en 1962)
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Física cuántica y romance adolescente en una alocada odisea espacial. Un clásico inclasificable de la literatura juvenil. Meg Murry, nuestra protagonista, tiene problemas para adaptarse en la escuela, es difícil adivinar que sus padres son científicos. Papá desapareció tiempo atrás en extrañas circunstancias, pero mamá no ha perdido la esperanza de volver a verlo. Su hermano pequeño, Charles, es un niño prodigio; su mente posee una percepción excepcional que le permite ver más allá de las apariencias. Es esa habilidad la que les permitirá encontrarse con las señoras Qué, Cuál y Quién, y descubrir que detrás de ellas se esconde un increíble secreto, “la arruga en el tiempo” que puede llevarlos a otros mundos. Justo lo necesario para emprender la búsqueda de su padre perdido, ¿no creen? En el espacio exterior no existe el aire, así que respira hondo y prepárate a viajar junto a Meg, Charlie y su amigo Calvin para averíguarlo.
El amor llega suavemente book cover
El amor llega suavemente
Janette Oke - 2003-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1979)
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Marty and Clem set out for the pioneer West full of hopes and dreams. They would stake a claim of their own on the new frontier, and build a home for themselves and their family. But just after they'd arrived and Clem had chosen the perfect setting for their new home, an accident took his life...leaving Marty alone and pregnant. Then, on the day of his funeral, Clark Davis came along...and asked Marty to marry him! Marty was infuriated -- but with no money, no shelter, and a baby on the way, what choice did she have? Besides, Clark said he only wanted her to be a mama to his baby girl, Missie. If Marty was still unhappy come spring, he would pay for her ticket back East. Determined not to be a burden to Clark, and intending only to earn her keep. Marty threw herself into her new role of "Mama." But she had never been anyone's mama before, and she didn't even know how to keep a house! If only she could do right by this lonely man and his daughter just long enough to earn her train fare back home... Now, Marty must learn wholeness and love through patience and faith
Esta Patente Oscuridad book cover
Esta Patente Oscuridad
Frank E. Peretti - 2003-06-26 (publicado por primera vez en 1986)
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Esta patente oscuridad, de Frank Peretti, se encuentra entre las novelas clásicas del género cristiano de suspense. Publicado por primera vez en 1986, el libro de Peretti establece un estándar del suspense en la narración de historias de guerra espiritual que rara vez han logrado sus contemporáneos. Teniendo como escenario el aparentemente inocente pueblo de Ashton, Esta patente oscuridad persigue a un intrépido predicador cristiano nacido de nuevo y reportero mientras trata de desenmascarar un complot de la Nueva Era para apoderarse de la comunidad local y a la larga del mundo. Casi cada página del libro describe demonios de grotesca apariencia batallando contra ángeles de elevada estatura y buen parecer con un nivel de realismo que sobrepasa los sentidos. Sin embargo, los creyentes cristianos y los adoradores de demonios de la Nueva Era pueden influenciar los choques invisibles entre el bien y el mal por medio del poder de la oración. Las violentas descripciones de Peretti de exorcismos son en especial vívidas: «Habían quince [demonios], empacados en el cuerpo de Carmen como gusanos superpuestos, arrastrándose, moviéndose, hirviendo, una maraña de brazos, piernas talones y cabezas horripilantes». Este libro no es para los de constitución débil. Sin embargo, como una muestra del suspense espiritual al voltear cada página, es difícil de derrotar.
Cartas del diablo a su sobrino book cover
Cartas del diablo a su sobrino
C. S. Lewis - 2009-05-28 (publicado por primera vez en 1942)
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El eterno clásico sobre "las últimas novedades del Infierno y las irrebatibles respuestas del Cielo" Esta clásica obra maestra de sátira ha entretenido e iluminado a lectores alrededor del mundo con su irónica y astuta representación de la vida y las debilidades humanas desde el punto de vista de Escrutopo, el asistente de alto rango de "Nuestro Padre de Abajo." En este divertidísimo, muy serio y excepcionalmente original libro, C. S. Lewis comparte con nosotros la correspondencia entre el viejo diablo y su sobrino Orugario, un novato demonio encargado de asegurarse de la condenación de un joven hombre. Cartas del Diablo a Su Sobrino es la historia más atractiva acerca de la tentación -- y el triunfo sobre ella -- jamás escrita.
Un linaje de gracia book cover
Un linaje de gracia
Cinco historias de mujeres que Dios usó para cambiar la eternidad
Francine Rivers - 2002-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 2001)
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Esta compilación de los cinco libros en la serie de mayor venta Un Linaje de Gracia comparte las historias de cinco mujeres que Dios usó para cambiar la eternidad. Tamar, traicionada por los hombres que controlaban su futuro, luchó por su derecho a creer en un Dios amoroso. Rahab, una mujer con un pasado ínfame, recibió de Dios un futuro prometedor. Rut, renunció a todo, sin esperar nada a cambio, y Dios la honró. Betsabé, despertó la pasión de un rey con su belleza, y su dolor movió el corazón de Dios. María repondió en simple obediencia al llamado de Dios en el momento que toda la eternidad había estado esperando. Cada una enfrentó retos extraordinarios y aun escandalosos, cada una tomó un gran riesgo personal para cumplir con su llamado, y cada una estaba destinada a desempeñar un papel clave en el linaje de Jesucristo. This compilation of the five books in the bestselling series A Lineage of Grace shares the stories of the five unlikely women who changed eternity. Tamar, betrayed by the men who controlled her future, fought for her right to believe in a loving God. Rahab, a woman with a past, received from God a new path for her future. Ruth, who gave up everything, expecting nothing, and was honored by God. Bathsheba’s beauty stirred the passion of a king, and her pain moved the heart of God. Mary responded in simple obedience to God’s call in the moment all eternity had been waiting for. Each was faced with extraordinary—even scandalous—challenges, each took great personal risk to fulfill her calling, and each was destined to play a key role in the lineage of Jesus Christ.
Pilgrim’s Progress book cover
Pilgrim’s Progress
Updated, Modern English. More than 100 Illustrations.
John Bunyan - 2020-05-08 (publicado por primera vez en 1678)
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Embark on a journey with a man named Christian as he encounters various religious pitfalls on his way to the Celestial City. Along the way, he meets characters who represent the common issues we face in today's world. Through this captivating allegory, you'll discover the importance of true faith and perseverance.
The Circle Series book cover
The Circle Series
Ted Dekker - 2011-05-09 (publicado por primera vez en 2009)
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Enter a world where dreams and reality collide in this adrenaline-fueled epic. Follow the journey of Thomas Hunter, an unlikely hero who finds himself stretched between two vastly different worlds. A story of love, betrayal, and an evil threat unlike anything the human race has ever known, with the fate of both worlds resting on Thomas' unique ability to shift realities through his dreams. Will he find a way to save both worlds or succumb to the forces aligned against him? Find out in this thrilling four-novel series.
Las crónicas de Narnia by C. S. Lewis
Mas allá del planeta silencioso by C. S. Lewis
Mitford, Esta Es Su Casa by Jan Karon
True to You by Becky Wade
Isaiah's Daughter by Mesu Andrews
Silencio by Shusaku Endo
Sangre sabia by Flannery O'Connor
El hombre que fue Jueves by Gilbert K. Chesterton
Christy by Catherine Marshall
The Spice King by Elizabeth Camden
El Progreso del Peregrino by John Bunyan
The Delusion by Laura Gallier
EVERY GOOD GIFT by Urcelia Teixeira
Gilead by Marilynne Robinson
Los hermanos Karamázov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Mero cristianismo by C. S. Lewis
El refugio secreto by Corrie Ten Boom
Cristina, Hija de Lavrans by Sigrid Undset
Gods and Kings by Lynn Austin
La obra maestra by Francine Rivers
Pies de ciervas en los lugares altos - Serie Favoritos by Hannah Hurnard
La última tentación by Nikos Kazantzakis
Hinds' Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard, Jill de Haan, Rachel McNaughton
The Prayer Box by Lisa Wingate
Lake Season by Denise Hunter
The Crushing Depths by Dani Pettrey
Hombres de valor by Francine Rivers
Of Fire and Lions by Mesu Andrews
Colors of Truth by Tamera Alexander
Los profetas by Flannery O'Connor
With Every Letter by Sarah Sundin
Christmas at Carnton by Tamera Alexander
Sandy Toes, Christy & Todd The Baby Years Book 1 by Robin Jones Gunn
King Raven by Steve Lawhead
For Time & Eternity by Allison Pittman
El león, la bruja y el armario by C. S. Lewis
Crimen y castigo by Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Song of Albion Collection by Stephen Lawhead
When Silence Sings by Sarah Loudin Thomas
Christmas on Breakers Point by Chautona Havig
The Potluck Club Takes the Cake by Linda Evans Shepherd
The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare
Wraithwood (The Wraithwood Trilogy, #1) by Alyssa Roat
Opening Moves by Phil Lollar
Taliesin by Stephen R. Lawhead
Sisterchicks on the Loose! by Robin Jones Gunn
El final del affaire by Graham Greene
Dejados atrás by Tim Lahaye
If I Run by Terri Blackstock
La cabaña by William P. Young
Winter Solstice in the Crystal Castle by Jennifer Ivy Walker
Una música prodigiosa by Mitch Albom
Redemption by Karen Kingsbury
No debería ser así / It's Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lysa Terkeurst
Angels Walking by Karen Kingsbury
La trilogía cósmica by C. S. Lewis
With this Pledge by Tamera Alexander
Acceptable Risk by Lynette Eason
A Memory Between Us by Sarah Sundin
Secretos (Serie Glenbrooke, Libro 1) by Robin Jones Gunn
Night Bird Calling by Cathy Gohlke
Quo Vadis? by Henryk Sienkiewicz
Things We Didn't Say by Amy Lynn Green
The Lost Castle by Kristy Cambron
The Librarian of Boone's Hollow by Kim Vogel Sawyer
The Tea Chest by Heidi Chiavaroli
Noah Primeval by Brian Godawa
Forsaking All Others by Allison Pittman
The Potluck Club by Linda Evans Shepherd
The Undoing of Saint Silvanus by Beth Moore
Annabel Lee by Mike Nappa
Julie by Catherine Marshall
The Baggage Handler by David Rawlings
The Chase by Bradley Caffee
Chiveis Trilogy by Bryan M. Litfin
Kingdom's Dawn by Chuck Black
The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck
Smitten by Colleen Coble
The Potluck Club by Linda Evans Shepherd
Un río de paz by Leif Enger