Branko Milanovic
Libros Recomendados
Branko Milanović is a Serbian-American economist. He is most known for his work on income distribution and inequality. Since January 2014, he is a visiting presidential professor at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and an affiliated senior scholar at the Luxembourg Income Study.
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Leadership during wartime is a complex and challenging topic, but this account of the partisan campaign in Yugoslavia during World War II offers unique insights from a key leader of Tito's forces. With an index and photographs to supplement the vivid writing, this translated work is a must-read for history buffs and those interested in the intricacies of military strategy.
Branko Milanovic
2023-02-09T02:20:24.000Z"Now I felt that the world was so clear to me that I would be able to influence its destiny." That is the spirit of the 1930's, the period Milovan Djilas describes in "Memoir of a Revolutionary." He became a communist when the Communist movement in Yugoslavia was growing into the force that eventually gave form to modern Yugoslavia. Determined and ...
Branko Milanovic
2023-02-09T02:20:24.000ZEn El cisne negro, Taleb planteó un problema (el de las repercusiones que causan las cosas que nadie puede prever…) y en Antifrágil nos ofrece una solución definitiva: cómo obtener beneficios del desorden y el caos, al tiempo que nos protegemos de las fragilidades y de los acontecimientos adversos. Lo que Taleb denomina “lo antifrágil” va más allá de lo robusto, puesto que se beneficia de los shocks, las incertidumbres y del estrés, del mismo modo que los huesos humanos se robustecen cuando están sometidos al estrés y a la tensión. Lo “antifrágil” necesita el desorden para sobrevivir y florecer.
Taleb se centra en la incertidumbre como algo deseable, incluso necesario, y propone que las cosas se construyan de una forma antifrágil. Lo antifrágil es inmune a los errores de predicción.
Sumamente ambicioso y multidisciplinario, nos ofrece un programa sobre cómo comportarnos –y prosperar- en un mundo que no comprendemos, y que es demasiado incierto como para que intentemos comprenderlo y predecirlo. El mensaje de Taleb, documentado e ingenioso, es revolucionario: Lo que no es antifrágil perecerá con toda seguridad.
Branko Milanovic
Making It Count
Statistics and Statecraft in the Early People's Republic of China (Histories of Economic Life, 24)
A history of how Chinese officials used statistics to define a new society in the early years of the People’s Republic of China...
Branko Milanovic
2023-02-07T02:49:23.000ZFirst published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company....
Branko Milanovic
2023-01-24T04:29:02.000ZCuando terminó el mes de julio de 1914, Europa vivía aún inmersa en la engañosa placidez de la belle époque, instalada en la dilatada continuación de casi tres lustros de un siglo XIX, generoso y fructífero, que no acababa de pasar. Treinta y un días después había comenzado el siglo XX, y de la belle époque no quedaba más que un montón de ruinas humeantes: habían tronado los cáñones de agosto. A partir de un impresionante caudal de información histórica, Barbara W. Tuchman nos presenta en este libro clásico el panorama dramático, multicolor, cargado de tensiones psicológicas, abrumador por su incertidumbre, desconcertante por su rapidez, de aquel mes de agosto de 1914 que cambió la faz del mundo. Ã Los hechos que se sucedieron sobre el complicado mosaico de Europa y los personajes que en ellos intervinieron reviven aquí con asombrosa fidelidad, con auténtico calor humano. Las pequeñas miserias, las virtudes, el genio, los rasgos más personales e incluso los defectos físicos de las figuras que entonces tuvieron en sus manos el destino de millones de seres, saltan ante nuestros ojos con expresivo vigor.
Branko Milanovic
2023-01-12T05:33:07.000ZExplore the tragedy of the Vietnam War through the lens of America's flawed policy makers in this enthralling masterpiece. The Best and the Brightest by David Halberstam delves deep into the forces that led America into the conflict and ultimately to defeat. Magnificently written and considered the definitive volume on the subject, this American classic is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand this pivotal moment in history.
Branko Milanovic
2023-01-12T05:18:57.000ZExplore the origins, rise, and triumph of Chinese Communism in this acclaimed survey. Delve into the dynamic social forces that propelled the Communists to power in just three decades, and discover how Marxism and nationalism played vital roles in their success. From failed reforms to the influence of imperialism, this book offers a fresh and bold interpretation of the revolutionary period.
Branko Milanovic
Power, Pleasure, and Profit
Insatiable Appetites from Machiavelli to Madison
Explore the evolution of Western thought on power, pleasure, and profit over four centuries with this insightful book. David Wootton demonstrates how religious conflict and the Scientific Revolution led to new ideas about politics, ethics, and economics. As the emphasis on godliness and Aristotelian virtue lessened, rational pursuit of personal gain rose to prominence. Discover the fascinating historical developments that shape our contemporary values.
Branko Milanovic
The Triumph of Broken Promises
The End of the Cold War and the Rise of Neoliberalism
Discover a pathbreaking study that explores the link between the end of the Cold War and the rise of neoliberalism. In "The Triumph of Broken Promises," Fritz Bartel argues that the economic shocks of the 1970s forced governments to impose austerity on their own people, making promises of better living untenable. This book traces the pressure to break promises that spurred the end of the Cold War and the rise of neoliberalism around the world. A must-read for anyone interested in understanding the forces that shaped our modern political and economic landscape.
Branko Milanovic
2022-11-10T16:49:19.000ZRecomendado por
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Karl Marx's Theory of Capitalism by Guillermo J. Escudé
The World Turned Upside Down by Yang Jisheng
The Meritocracy Trap by Daniel Markovits
The First Serious Optimist by Ian Kumekawa
The Invisible Hand? by Bas van Bavel
What Is Global History? by Sebastian Conrad
The Deep State by Mike Lofgren
The End of Tsarist Russia by Dominic Lieven
The China Boom by Ho-Fung Hung
Escaping Poverty by Peer Vries
Ana Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
Karl Marx and World Literature by S.S. Solomon Prawer
China by Henry Kissinger
How Rome Fell by Adrian Goldsworthy
The Fall of Rome by Bryan Ward-Perkins
Garrincha by RUY CASTRO
The Unknown Stalin by Рой Медведев
Development Projects Observed by Albert O. Hirschman
Godfather of the Kremlin by Paul Klebnikov
Forbidden Colors by Yukio Mishima
How the Soviet Union Disappeared by Wisla Suraska
Confesiones de una máscara by Yukio Mishima
Las pasiones y los intereses by Albert O. Hirschman
Decadencia y caída del imperio romano by Edward Gibbon
El marino que perdió la gracia del mar by Yukio Mishima
The Later Roman Empire by Averil Cameron
Molotov Remembers by V. M. Molotov, Feliz Chuev
The Thibaults by Roger Martin Du Gard
The Diaries of Franz Kafka, 1910-1923 by Franz Kafka
Thy Hand, Great Anarch! India by Nirad Chaundhuri
The Economics of François Quesnay by Gianni Vaggi
Memoirs by Pablo Neruda
Exit, Voice, and Loyalty by Albert O. Hirschman
The Carthaginian Peace Or the Economic Consequences of Mr. Keynes by Etienne Intro by RCK Ensor and For'd by Paul Mantoux Mantoux
The decline of the Roman Empire in the West by F. W Walbank