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Zeynep Tufekci

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Zeynep Tufekci is a sociologist and writer. Her work focuses on the social implications of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and big data, as well as societal challenges such as the pandemic using complex and systems-based thinking.
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Bright-sided book cover
How Positive Thinking Is Undermining America
Barbara Ehrenreich - 2009-10-13
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Explore the strange career of America's obsession with positivity and optimism with this thought-provoking and myth-busting book. Author Barbara Ehrenreich traces the origins of our sunny outlook and how it has become deeply ingrained in our culture, from evangelical mega-churches to the business community. She exposes the downside of positive thinking, including personal self-blame and a national era of irrational optimism resulting in disaster. This book is a call for existential clarity and courage in a world that often values positivity over reality.
Zeynep Tufekci
@richardpointer I really liked that book.      fuente
The March of Folly book cover
The March of Folly
From Troy to Vietnam
Barbara W. Tuchman - 1993-12-06 (publicado por primera vez en 1984)
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Explore the fascinating and tragic history of governments making avoidable mistakes with Barbara Tuchman's The March of Folly. Pulitzer Prize-winning Tuchman discusses the pursuit of policies contrary to a government's interests, despite the availability of other, better options. She delves into four instances throughout history, including the Trojan War and America's involvement in Vietnam, to illustrate the impact of folly. Through vivid storytelling, readers experience the people, places, and events of these turning points in history.
Zeynep Tufekci
"Guns of August" by Barbara Tuchman on the first month of WWI is another essential book, along with her other classic "March of Folly." Both are excellent to help to fight the temptation of looking at world history teleologically.      fuente
Recomendado por
James Mattis
Los cañones de agosto book cover
Los cañones de agosto
Barbara W. Tuchman - 2009-07-22 (publicado por primera vez en 1962)
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Cuando terminó el mes de julio de 1914, Europa vivía aún inmersa en la engañosa placidez de la belle époque, instalada en la dilatada continuación de casi tres lustros de un siglo XIX, generoso y fructífero, que no acababa de pasar. Treinta y un días después había comenzado el siglo XX, y de la belle époque no quedaba más que un montón de ruinas humeantes: habían tronado los cáñones de agosto. A partir de un impresionante caudal de información histórica, Barbara W. Tuchman nos presenta en este libro clásico el panorama dramático, multicolor, cargado de tensiones psicológicas, abrumador por su incertidumbre, desconcertante por su rapidez, de aquel mes de agosto de 1914 que cambió la faz del mundo. Ã Los hechos que se sucedieron sobre el complicado mosaico de Europa y los personajes que en ellos intervinieron reviven aquí con asombrosa fidelidad, con auténtico calor humano. Las pequeñas miserias, las virtudes, el genio, los rasgos más personales e incluso los defectos físicos de las figuras que entonces tuvieron en sus manos el destino de millones de seres, saltan ante nuestros ojos con expresivo vigor.
Zeynep Tufekci
@mattdpearce loved that book.      fuente