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Sarah Parcak

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Sarah Helen Parcak is an American archaeologist, Egyptologist, and remote sensing expert, who has used satellite imaging to identify potential archaeological sites in Egypt, Rome, and elsewhere in the former Roman Empire.
12 libros en la lista
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The First Signs book cover
The First Signs
Unlocking the Mysteries of the World's Oldest Symbols
Genevieve von Petzinger - 2016-05-31
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Uncover the mysterious world of Ice Age artists and their captivating cave paintings through the eyes of archaeologist Genevieve von Petzinger. In her gripping book, she delves into the geometric cave art of our ancient ancestors - potentially the first form of human communication - as she journeys across Europe to decipher the meaning behind these symbolic signs that have remained virtually unchanged for over 30,000 years. The First Signs offers a fascinating glimpse into our ancestors' intelligence and capacity for language, as well as their link to our own modern consciousness. Discover the foundations of human technology and evolution in this groundbreaking investigation, which blends science, travel, and personal narrative.
Sarah Parcak
I recommend the book The First Signs, by Genevieve Von Petzinger, who put forward this idea in a careful and measured way      fuente
Cleopatra's Daughter book cover
Cleopatra's Daughter
From Roman Prisoner to African Queen
Jane Draycott - 2023-05-23 (publicado por primera vez en 2022)
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Discover the remarkable story of Cleopatra Selene, the only surviving daughter of Marc Antony and Queen Cleopatra VII. Historian Jane Draycott uses archaeology to piece together the extraordinary life of this royal captive, who ultimately rose to power as queen of an ancient African kingdom. A must-read for history enthusiasts, Cleopatra's Daughter is a captivating and long-overdue account that reclaims the legacy of this influential ruler and her notorious family.
Sarah Parcak
This book looks wonderful.      fuente
Pachinko book cover
Min Jin Lee - 2017-02-07
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Yeong-do, Corea, 1911 En una pequeña aldea de pescadores a la orilla del mar del Este, un hombre tullido se casa con una muchacha de quince años. La pareja tiene una hija, su adorada Sunja. Cuando Sunja se queda embarazada de un hombre casado, la familia se enfrenta a la ruina. Pero entonces Isak, un joven sacerdote cristiano, le ofrece una oportunidad de salvación: una nueva vida en Japón como su esposa. Tras seguir a un hombre al que apenas conoce hasta un país hostil donde no tiene amigos ni hogar, la salvación de Sunja no será más que el principio de su historia. A través de ocho décadas y cuatro generaciones, Pachinko es un relato épico de familia, identidad, amor, muerte y supervivencia. Novela finalista a los National Book Awards (EE.UU.) Top 10 Mejores Libros de 2017 para el New York Times Top 10 Libros del año para el USA Today Top 10 Amazon mejores libros de 2017 Literatura y Ficción
Sarah Parcak
So... a confession. I finally, finally had time to read Pachinko this weekend, I know I know years after. I had a hard time letting go of the book, and the characters. What a delight. I think it felt more meaningful to me having visited S Korea. Time for Korean food 🤤      fuente
Oryx y Crake book cover
Oryx y Crake
Margaret Atwood - 2004-03-30 (publicado por primera vez en 2003)
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Aún no ha amanecido cuando Hombre de las Nieves despierta para lamentar no seguir durmiendo. Todo es desolador: el paisaje, su propio aspecto y las expectativas de que la situación mejore; así que decide ir a buscar alcohol, tabaco y otras provisiones. A lo largo de esa exploración, el lector descubre en qué mundo vive ese extraño personaje, qué peligros le acechan y cómo ha llegado a su actual estado. Qué les ocurrió a la amada Oryx y al sagaz Crake, y quiénes son los cándidos crakers.
Sarah Parcak
This is literally the plot of Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake, which has always been my favorite book of hers. Highly recommend.      fuente
Recomendado por
Meltem Demirors
The Actual Star book cover
The Actual Star
A Novel
Monica Byrne - 2021-09-14
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Spanning two thousand years and six continents, this multigenerational saga interweaves three timelines, from the ancient Maya collapse to a far-future utopia on the brink of civil war. Author Monica Byrne merges tradition and progress, love and hate, in a breathtaking journey over time and space. This epic saga explores age-old questions of existence and identity, taking readers on a quest to see the stars in complete darkness.
Sarah Parcak
This is, hands down, one of the best SciFi books I have read in years (was blessed w an ARC). Please preorder. Will be doing a review thread soon (by "review" I mean, "use every glowing adjective I know". Simply extraordinary). Will win ALL the awards. Calling it now.      fuente
Draft No. 4 book cover
Draft No. 4
John McPhee - 2013-04-29
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Master the art of long-form nonfiction with Draft No. 4, a guide written by legendary author and teacher John McPhee. In a collection of expertly crafted essays, McPhee shares insights he's gathered over his career and refined while teaching at Princeton University. He covers everything from arrangement and diction to revision and the delicate art of getting sources to reveal more. Enriched with diagrams and personal anecdotes, Draft No. 4 is a vivid depiction of the writing process that's sure to delight and inspire any aspiring writer.
Sarah Parcak
@BillCaraher Draft No 4 by John MacPhee is the single best book I read on book arcs and pacing. Leaves the others in the dust. King and Lamott and others are more aimed at fiction. Have them read Erik Larson Devil in the White City-nonfiction that reads like fiction.      fuente
Recomendado por
Jim Collins
En algún lugar del tiempo book cover
En algún lugar del tiempo
Richard Matheson - 1999-01-01 (publicado por primera vez en 1975)
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Richard Collier, un hombre de nuestros días, se obsesiona con una mujer de otra época, una célebre actriz de finales del siglo XIX. Su embelesamiento con Elise McKenna se intensifica tanto que consigue transportarse físicamente al año 1896, donde conoce y corteja a la mujer de su vida. Pero ¿por cuánto tiempo puede la pasión de los amantes resistir la despiadada marejada de la historia? En algún lugar del tiempo inspiró en 1980 un filme protagonizado por Christopher Reeve y Jane Seymour que se ha convertido en un clásico de culto. Por el autor de Soy leyenda, El increíble hombre menguante, La casa infernal y El último escalón. «Sin duda, uno de los escritores más importantes del siglo xx»
Sarah Parcak
@DrJenGunter The book on which it is based, Bid Time Return, is breathtaking      fuente
Dead Famous book cover
Dead Famous
Greg Jenner - 2021-08-19 (publicado por primera vez en 2020)
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From scandalous Lord Byron to cheetah-owning Sarah Bernhardt, early celebrities were just as thrilling and controversial as modern day stars. In DEAD FAMOUS, author Greg Jenner explores the historical roots of celebrity culture, from Bronze Age demigods to Hollywood's Golden Age. With over 125 actors, singers, dancers, and sportspeople included, this fascinating and funny read reveals how fame emerged in the early eighteenth century, its effect on public tastes, and the psychological burden of stardom. A must-read for anyone interested in the history of popular culture.
Sarah Parcak
Hi maybe read a book on the history of celebrities before you mouth off this utter BS? Try Dead Famous by @greg_jenner it’s brilliant and we’ve been obsessed w what celebs thought for HUNDREDS of years.      fuente
El Diablo en la Ciudad Blanca book cover
El Diablo en la Ciudad Blanca
Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America
Erik Larson - 2003-02-11
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La historia real del arquitecto que creó la gran exposición universal de Chicago en 1893 y del hombre que quiso destruirla sembrando el terror. Larson nos lleva al Chicago de finales del siglo XIX para contarnos la historia real de dos hombres unidos por un sueño que se convirtió en pesadilla. Historia real que se lee como una novela. Engarce muy logrado entre la atmósfera de thriller y el trabajo de investigación. Presencia de personajes históricos importantes que forman parte de la trama del libro. Una lectura novelada que se queda con la anécdota de los crímenes, y otra que puede recrearse en la historia de la arquitectura.
Sarah Parcak
@cmclymer He is one of the greatest writers alive today. I recommend ALL of books, esp the Devil in the White City.      fuente
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