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Cam Kasky

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Cameron Kasky is an American activist and advocate against gun violence who co-founded the student-led gun violence prevention advocacy group Never Again MSD. He is notable for helping to organize the March for Our Lives nationwide student protest in March 2018
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Better Call Saul and Philosophy (Pop Culture and Philosophy, 8) book cover
Better Call Saul and Philosophy (Pop Culture and Philosophy, 8)
Joshua Heter - 2022-06-14
Рейтинг Goodreads
Explore the philosophical themes in the hit show Better Call Saul, a prequel to Breaking Bad with Better Call Saul and Philosophy: I Think Therefore I Scam. This collection of 23 essays delves deeper into the story and characters, offering thought-provoking insights on topics like good and evil, personal identity, and the ethics of the war on drugs. Follow the journey of the central character, Jimmy McGill, a natural con artist turned lawyer for a drug cartel, and his strange relationship with his brother, Charles McGill. Whether you're a fan of the show or interested in exploring philosophical concepts, this volume is a must-read.
Cam Kasky
@JoshHeter @DiscussingFilm I’ve said this- I read it and enjoyed but couldn’t understand why it had to be written before the series was completed. That said, I’ve already given the book to friends of mine with a strong recommendation. Some really great stuff in there. Excited for more      источник
Alive at the End of the World book cover
Alive at the End of the World
Saeed Jones - 2022-09-13
Рейтинг Goodreads
"Alive at the End of the World" by an award-winning author tackles everyday apocalypses with haunted poems that glint with laughter. With verve, wit, and elegant craft, it explores the public and private betrayals of life as we know it and strips away American artifice to reveal the intimate and collective grief bearing down on us all. Jones confronts the everyday perils of white supremacy, identifying routine moments that open chasms of hurt. Through cultural icons and personal experiences, he ushers readers toward the realization that the end of the world is already here.
Cam Kasky
Wow- just finished my copy of ALIVE AT THE END OF THE WORLD by @theferocity and “stunned” doesn’t even begin to describe the feeling. You will never read a book that so beautifully describes, in only twelve chapters, “The Snyder Cut”- a cinematic phenomenon from 2021… (1/14)      источник
Как писать книги book cover
Как писать книги
Мемуары о ремесле
Stephen King - 2002-07-01 (впервые опубликовано в 2000)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Это — пожалуй, самая необычная из книг Стивена Кинга. Книга, в которой автобиографические, мемуарные мотивы соседствуют не только с размышлениями о писательском искусстве вообще, но и самыми настоящими "профессиональными советами тем, кто хочет писать,как Стивен Кинг". Как формируется писатель? Каковы главные "секреты" его нелегкого "ремесла"? Что, строго говоря, вообще необходимо знать и уметь человеку, чтобы его творения возглавляли международные списки бестселлеров? Вот лишь немногие из вопросов, на которые вы найдете ответы в этой книге. Вы действительно "хотите писать, как Стивен Кинг"? Тогда не пропустите эту книгу. "Писать, как Стивен Кинг", вас научит САМ СТИВЕН КИНГ!
Cam Kasky
@LaddEveritt On Writing. My second favorite book of all time, next to The Toy Collector by @JamesGunn, the guy who made me want to become a writer in the first place.      источник