Spy x Family Manga
Not one to depend on others, Twilight has his work cut out for him procuring both a wife and a child for his mission to infiltrate an elite private school. What he doesn't know is that the wife he's chosen is an assassin and the child he's adopted is a telepath!

5 books in series
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A skilled spy, known as "Twilight," is tasked with infiltrating a prestigious school, but is ordered to create a fake family. Things get complicated when his "daughter" turns out to be a telepath and his "wife" is an assassin. As they hide their true identities, this hilarious and action-packed comedy follows their journey through exams and a world crisis.
東国と西国、両国間の平和を守る任務のため、名門校受験に挑んだフォージャー一家。だが、標的デズモンドに近づくにはアーニャが特待生にならなくてはいけない!! そこで黄昏は“ナカヨシ作戦”を実行するが…!?...
爆弾犬を使っての西国大臣暗殺計画が判明! アーニャの飼う犬を求め家族で出かけたはずが、黄昏は、テロを止める緊急作戦に加わる事に…!! 一方アーニャは、何故かフォージャー家を知る不思議な犬と出会い――!?...