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Ashley C. Ford

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Ashley C. Ford is an American writer, podcaster and educator who deals with topics including race, sexuality and body image. She is the host of the podcast 112BK and was the senior features writer at Refinery29.
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De ira y amor book cover
De ira y amor
A Novel
Sabaa Tahir - 2022-03-01
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Lahore, Pakistán. Entonces. Misbah es una joven soñadora que acaba de casarse con Toufiq en un matrimonio concertado. Tras ser golpeados por la tragedia, viajan a los Estados Unidos en busca de un nuevo comienzo y abren el motel Clouds' Rest Inn. Juniper, California. Ahora. Salahudin y Noor son más que mejores se consideran familia. Al crecer como marginados en una pequeña ciudad desértica se entienden mutuamente mejor que nadie. Hasta que tiene lugar la Pelea, que destruye su vínculo con la furia de una estrella al explotar. Ahora, Sal se esfuerza por hacer que el motel familiar funcione mientras Misbah, su madre, pierde la salud y su padre se refugia en el alcohol. Noor, mientras tanto, camina por una terrible cuerda trabaja en la licorería de su irritable tío mientras, a escondidas, planea matricularse en la universidad para escapar de él (y de Juniper) para siempre. Cuando los intentos de Sal por salvar el motel se descontrolan, él y Noor deberán replantearse el valor de la amistad y descubrir cómo derrotar a los fantasmas del pasado y a los que existen entre ellos. Novela ganadora del National Book Award 2022
Ashley C. Ford
All My Rage is such a gorgeous book, and @sabaatahir is a phenomenal writer. This makes me very happy.      fuente
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Nicola Yoon
Stepping Back from the Ledge book cover
Stepping Back from the Ledge
A Daughter's Search for Truth and Renewal
Laura Trujillo - 2022-04-19
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Discover the moving and intimate memoir of a woman struggling to come to terms with her mother's suicide. As she grapples with the question of how to mourn a loved one while repairing the injuries they inflicted, Laura Trujillo's Stepping Back from the Ledge offers hope and healing to all who have suffered. Initially devastated by her mother's death, Laura embarks on an emotional journey to understand the depression and intergenerational trauma that led to her mother's suicide. Moving between the depths of despair and the hope of redemption, this memoir is a profound exploration of the bond between a mother and daughter, and the power of facing the truth.
Ashley C. Ford
@lauraftrujillo @csittenfeld It’s a gorgeous brilliant book. I’m so glad you wrote it.      fuente
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Jane McGonigal
The First Collection of Criticism by a Living Female Rock Critic book cover
The First Collection of Criticism by a Living Female Rock Critic
Jessica Hopper - 2015-05-12
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This groundbreaking book features the music criticism of Jessica Hopper, a fearless critic and keen observer of music and its culture. The collection spans from Hopper's punk fanzine roots to her landmark piece on R. Kelly's past, and examines everything from Riot Grrrl to Michael Jackson's death. Through album reviews, essays, interviews, and oral histories, Hopper documents 20 years of American music-making and the shifting landscape of music consumption. The First Collection is a must-read for anyone obsessed with music and looking to dig deeper into what matters most.
Ashley C. Ford
@theferocity I loved reading this book!      fuente
While We Were Dating book cover
While We Were Dating
Jasmine Guillory - 2021-07-13
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A romantic comedy about two people who go off-script as they navigate a fling-turned-relationship amidst the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. When advertising exec Ben Stephens lands an ad campaign featuring movie star Anna Gardiner, it's hard to keep their interactions strictly professional. What starts as harmless flirting turns serious when they reveal personal truths to each other during a family emergency. As their real-life romance heats up, they must decide whether to pursue a Hollywood ending or leave their relationship behind when the cameras stop rolling.
Ashley C. Ford
So fun, so sexy, and SO GOOD! Loved this book! Happy pub day, @thebestjasmine ♥️      fuente
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Roxane Gay
Recovering from Emotionally Immature Parents book cover
Recovering from Emotionally Immature Parents
Lindsay C. Gibson - 2019-05-01
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A guide to recovering from emotionally immature parents, this sequel to a popular self-help book offers practical tools to recognize signs of emotional takeover, protect yourself, and gain emotional autonomy in adult relationships. With doable exercises and tips, you can clear self-doubt, move beyond fear, and live life on your own terms.
Ashley C. Ford
After reading, loving, and recommending the book Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents, I must *also* recommend Recovering from Emotionally Immature Parents by the same author. Everybody should read these books. Period.      fuente
Black Futures book cover
Black Futures
Kimberly Drew - 2020-12-01
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"Black Futures" is an awe-inspiring collection of images, essays, memes, recipes, poetry, and more that paint a radiant picture of what it means to be Black and alive right now. Editors Kimberly Drew and Jenna Wortham have gathered the work of Black creators to create an infinite geography of possible futures. This book offers a luminescent map to help navigate through the complexities of the present and the astonishing testament of Black creativity in the world today.
Ashley C. Ford
I’m so excited to talk with these two phenoms about this brilliant book!      fuente
El cuerpo lleva la cuenta book cover
El cuerpo lleva la cuenta
Cerebro, mente y cuerpo en la sanación del trauma
Bessel van der Kolk - 2014-09-25
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Este libro profundamente humano ofrece una nueva comprensión radical de las causas y consecuencias del trauma, que ofrece esperanza y claridad a todas las personas afectadas por su devastación. El trauma ha surgido como uno de los grandes retos de la salud pública de nuestro tiempo, no sólo por sus efectos bien documentados sobre los veteranos de guerra y víctimas de accidentes y delitos, sino debido a la cifra oculta de la violencia sexual y familiar y en las comunidades y escuelas devastadas por el abuso, el abandono y la adicción. Basándose en más de treinta años en la vanguardia de la investigación y la práctica clínica, Bessel Van Der Kolk muestra que el terror y el aislamiento en el núcleo del trauma, literalmente, remodelan tanto cerebro como el cuerpo. Nuevos conocimientos sobre nuestros instintos de supervivencia explican por qué las personas traumatizadas experimentan ansiedad incomprensible y rabia paralizante e intolerable y cómo el trauma afecta su capacidad para concentrarse, recordar, formar relaciones de confianza e incluso para sentirse como en casa en sus propios cuerpos. Estas personas, después de haber perdido el sentido del autocontrol y frustrados por las terapias fallidas, a menudo temen estar dañados sin posibilidad de recuperación. El cuerpo lleva la cuenta es la inspiradora historia de cómo un grupo de terapeutas y científicos, junto con sus valientes y memorables pacientes, han luchado por integrar los recientes avances en la ciencia del cerebro, la investigación del apego y la conciencia corporal en tratamientos que puedan liberar a los supervivientes del trauma de la tiranía del pasado. Estos nuevos caminos hacia la recuperación activan la neuroplasticidad natural del cerebro para reconectar el funcionamiento perturbado y reconstruir paso a paso la capacidad de «saber lo que se sabe y sentir lo que se siente».
Ashley C. Ford
I tell people to read this book to, but again, only when they’re ready. I’m glad I had the privilege to read this while receiving mental health care from a therapist. If *I* had read it without that...      fuente
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents book cover
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents
Lindsay C. Gibson - 2015-06-01
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Heal from the pain and confusion caused by emotionally immature parents with this breakthrough book by clinical psychologist Lindsay C. Gibson. Learn how these parents create a sense of neglect and how to move forward in your life. Discover the four types of difficult parents and ways to control how you react to them while building positive, new relationships.
Ashley C. Ford
It’s an intense read, but it hits. I’ve read more than a few good books this year, but this one was certainly most useful.      fuente
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Heidi N. Moore
A Cup of Water Under My Bed book cover
A Cup of Water Under My Bed
A Memoir
Daisy Hernandez - 2014-09-09
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A memoir about the lessons on love, money, and race that a Colombian-Cuban woman learned from the women in her family. These lessons defined what it means to grow up as a female in an immigrant home. In her journey, Daisy explores her sexuality and identity while navigating between languages and cultures. Ultimately, A Cup of Water Under My Bed is a heartfelt reflection on finding oneself and creating a new, queer life.
Ashley C. Ford
I LOVED THIS BOOK!      fuente
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