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This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the Struts framework, accompanied by real-life case studies that implement applications with Struts. It's ideal for professional developers who want practical advice on building websites the "Struts way." You'll discover key topics, such as initial design, data validation, authentication, security, and more, along with proven design techniques and strategies.
Josh Long
Programming Kotlin
Create Elegant, Expressive, and Performant JVM and Android Applications
This book is all about Programming Kotlin, a highly concise and expressive language adopted by Google for Android development. It covers everything from the fundamentals to advanced concepts, including DSLs, asynchrony, and intermixing with Java. With easy-to-understand examples and exercises, you'll learn to write high-performing applications with less code, while staying type-safe and efficient. Whether you're building standalone scripts or full-stack applications, this book will help you master one of the few languages that does it all.
Josh Long