The Case Against Donald Trump
Neal Katyal
In "Impeach," Supreme Court lawyer and former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal argues that President Trump's repeated requests for foreign powers to interfere in the 2020 election threaten the very foundations of democracy. Katyal maintains that impeachment is the last resort left to hold the President accountable for these actions, and one that our Constitution demands. If we fail to act, we risk compromising the core values that make America what it is.
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Pleas get the book Impeach by @neal_katyal to better understand the issues involved and read this thread. – source2019-12-02T16:18:28.000Z
Go read this absolutely fantastic book making the case for Trump’s impeachment. It’s authored by @neal_katyal the guy, who has been leading the biggest lawsuits to keep this WH in check: – source2020-01-02T18:51:02.000Z
@MHBXD @neal_katyal @BarbMcQuade @tribelaw @mayawiley @glennkirschner2 @harrylitman @Mimirocah1 @ChuckRsVoice @LawProfButler Neal is a national treasure & his book, Impeach, is a must read. – source2020-01-16T16:21:37.000Z
I recommend “Impeach: the Case Against Donald Trump” by @neal_katyal @SammyKoppelman to anyone looking for an insightful and *quick* read on the relevant facts, history, and law.
Trump’s Ukraine muck is so deep that I’d forgotten some of the damning details the book recounts. – source2019-12-01T18:50:43.000Z
It's an interesting column. It bears a striking resemblance (without attribution) to the arguments, quotes, history in @neal_katyal's excellent new book. – source