How to Change Things When Change Is Hard
Chip Heath
Discover the secrets to making change happen in personal and professional life with this ground-breaking book. Chip and Dan Heath explain why change is so hard and how we can overcome our resistance to it. By understanding the relationship between our emotional and intellectual selves, we can direct the rider, motivate the elephant, and shape the path to successfully make a switch. Filled with engaging and entertaining stories, this indispensable guide is sure to become a classic.
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Goodreads Rating
Great great great great GREAT psychology book about real ways to make change last - both personal and organizational. So many powerful insights, based on fact not theory. Inspiring counterintuitive stories of huge organizational change against all odds. Highly recommended for everyone. – source2019-11-26T14:11:51.000Z
@basket_mike Switch is one of my favorite books! We have Phoenix Project in paperback. My husband is finishing that one up now. – source2020-09-16T23:37:27.000Z
@teej_m @CMastication @chrisalbon If you think it's recoverable, this book is great: – source2018-12-27T16:23:02.000Z
@jessfraz (Which is why when I chat with people who think becoming a manager will help them change things, I usually recommend reading this book instead: Because the ability to change your environment, or how people behave, has more to do with other stuff) – source