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Jessie Jane Duff

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Serving 20 years on active duty with the U.S. Marine Corps, Jessie Jane Duff retired as a Gunnery Sergeant. Throughout her career, which spanned multiple deployments and combat-related exercises, she provided logistics and training support to combat arms and wing units in peacetime as well as during the operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
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American Pravda book cover
American Pravda
My Fight for Truth in the Era of Fake News
James O'Keefe - 2018-01-16
Goodreads Rating
American Pravda is an eye-opening and exhilarating read that exposes the lies of the American press. Follow James O'Keefe and his team at Project Veritas as they go undercover to reveal political corruption, voter fraud, and media bias. This gripping adventure also serves as a powerful commentary on modern media and the consequences of telling the truth in a world that would rather hear lies. Brace yourself for a thrilling ride and a fresh perspective on the mainstream press.
Jessie Jane Duff
@rsamplecom @JamesOKeefeIII Love having it to read if I miss Mass. And James' book is a MUST read. Mind blowing fearless dude.      source