The Kingkiller Chronicle Series
The Kingkiller Chronicle books in order
The trilogy is one story. You are strongly encouraged to read them in order, as each one continues where the last one left off.Series also known as:• Хрониките на кралеубиеца [Bulgarian]• Crònica de l'Assassí de Reis [Catalan, Valencian]• Kronike Kraljosjeka [Croatian]• Kronika Královraha [Czech]• Kongedræberkrøniken [Danish]• De Kronieken van Kvot…

2 books in series
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Follow Kvothe's journey from a young boy in a traveling troupe to one of the most renowned magicians in his world. This captivating first-person narrative takes readers through the highs and lows of Kvothe's life, including his time as a near-feral orphan and his daring entrance into a legendary school of magic. Immerse yourself in the mind and body of a wizard in this thrilling novel.
This epic fantasy novel follows the story of Kvothe, a hero known for his wild deeds and magical powers. In The Wise Man's Fear, Kvothe leaves the University and embarks on a journey to Vintas, where he finds himself caught up in the politics of the court. He uncovers assassination attempts, battles rival arcanists, and leads mercenaries on a quest to uncover the truth about the mysterious Amyr and Chandrian. Along the way, he travels to the Fae realm, where he meets Felurian, the faerie woman no man can resist. This is a thrilling tale of a hero's journey and the challenges that come with becoming a legend.