4 books on the list
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The Girls Who Went Away
The Hidden History of Women Who Surrendered Children for Adoption in the Decades Before Roe v. Wade
Discover the untold history of over a million women who surrendered their children for adoption due to immense pressure in the decades before Roe v. Wade. Ann Fessler shares the deeply emotional stories of over a hundred women in this wrenching and impeccably researched book, giving voice to those whose experiences have been hidden for too long. A must-read for anyone interested in the social and cultural factors that impacted adoption before it became legal.
Sean Lahman
2022-06-25T14:32:06.000ZDiscover the ultimate guide to America's favorite pastime with the eighth edition of this comprehensive baseball encyclopedia. From compelling stats and records to striking images, Total Baseball covers all aspects of the game. It's the perfect resource for any baseball enthusiast.
Sean Lahman
The Hidden Game of Baseball
A Revolutionary Approach to Baseball and Its Statistics
Discover The Hidden Game of Baseball, a groundbreaking book that brought statistics to the forefront of the game. By challenging traditional beliefs about baseball stats, authors John Thorn and Pete Palmer ushered in a new era of analysis and opened the door for a flood of new questions. With a brand-new edition featuring a new introduction and foreword by Keith Law, this classic of baseball literature continues to bring the high heat today.
Sean Lahman
2021-07-06T22:16:07.000ZDiscover the possibility of alien life in Light of the Stars! Astrophysicist Adam Frank takes you on a journey through ancient Greece to modern times, exploring the ever-evolving question of extraterrestrial existence. But this book is more than just a history lesson. Frank argues that acknowledging the possibility of alien life could be vital in saving our planet from climate change. With clarity and conviction, Light of the Stars prompts us to consider an earth-changing question: what can the likely presence of life on other planets tell us about our own fate?
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Glen Mazzara