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This book explores the question of whether the economic collapse of 1933 can happen again. The author, Hyman Minsky, presents some of his most important economic theories, including his celebrated "Financial Instability Hypothesis." He argues that any economic theory which separates the real economy from the financial system is bound to fail. Minsky also discusses the evolution of monetary institutions and Federal Reserve policy. This book is a must-read for economists, bankers, and policy makers who want to understand financial instability and its relationship to the capitalist economy.
Steve Keen
2020-07-15T23:54:54.000ZExplore the global fight against emerging diseases, from HIV to Ebola, in a fifty-year journey through science and history. Laurie Garrett's book sheds light on the conditions that have led to the spread of new and dangerous viruses, and offers potential solutions for preventing further outbreaks. Don't miss this eye-opening exploration of the world's ongoing battle with microbes.
Steve Keen
2020-06-21T12:38:50.000ZRecommended by
Jonathan EisenExplore the future of Hong Kong's Common Law judicial system and the critical components that impact it in this thought-provoking book. Delve into the perceptions of Hong Kong's Chinese population, pre-1997 judicial developments, and the Basic Law to gain a comprehensive understanding of this dynamic economic system.
Steve Keen
A Brief History of Doom
Two Hundred Years of Financial Crises (Haney Foundation Series)
Discover how financial crises follow a predictable and avoidable pattern in A Brief History of Doom. Drawing on decades of banking industry insights and historical data, Richard Vague examines major crises in the US, UK, Germany, France, Japan, and China - including the Great Depression and the 2008 meltdown. Through clear and gripping chapters, Vague shows that private debt accumulation is the key variable in predicting financial crises. Learn to recognize and respond to danger signs before it starts again - this book provides the tools to break the cycle.
Steve Keen