Myers Briggs Characters
ENFP Characters
Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.

Aang lives in the world around him, filled with curiosity at the potential it holds for him. In every new situation he finds himself in, he is excited to interact in the moment and create change. As resistant as Aang is to external judgment, he uses it himself in order to discern and discriminant between systems that support him and those that don’t. We see this when he is in Ba Sing Se. It goes against everything he was raised to believe. Aang will typically be all about freedom, live and let live.

Charismatic, impulsive, and restless, Patrick experiences many of the struggles that LGBTQ teens continually face in high school. Being misunderstood and bullied is a reality he’s had to adapt to, and unfortunately he tries to cope with it in many less-than-healthy ways. But even with all his struggles, Patrick has uncanny insights about people, acceptance towards others, and a hunger for a world beyond the predictable, small-minded ways of his town.

Wizard Howl
from Howl's Moving Castle
Wizard Howl longs for a life of freedom and creativity. As a talented wizard, he can transform into a large beast with black feathers whenever he feels unsafe or just wants to get out of an uncomfortable situation. Although he has some faults, Howl is a kind-hearted and patient person who seems to have a “live and let live” approach to life. It isn’t until later in the movie that viewers will see how intelligent, endearing, and kind he can really be. Like many ENFPs, he shows his deeper feelings through actions more than effusive words.

Pippi Longstocking
from Pippi Longstocking
Kind but rebellious, Pippi Longstocking was revolutionary in the way she broke with conventional ideas about how girls should behave. In one famous scene in the book, Pippi enters a shop with a sign on the front that says “Do you suffer from freckles?” As Pippi addresses the clerk, she states “No, I don’t suffer from freckles.” “But my dear child,” the assistant cries, “Your whole face is covered in them!” “I know,” Pippi responds, “But I don’t suffer from them. I like them. Good morning!” Pippi frequently points out the absurdities of social conventions and saves children from adult laws that seem meaningless to her. She’s also extremely independent, living off a sackful of gold pieces and always pursuing a new adventure (and getting into trouble as a result). Pippi’s anti-authoritarian, free-spirited ways will be relatable to any ENFP.

Grandpa Joe
Excitable and kind, he never gives up on his dreams – even the dream of his grandson winning a golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. Grandpa Joe approaches life with curiosity, wonder, and imagination. He inspires Charlie to believe in his dreams, even when the world around him seems desolate and hopeless.

Percival Blakeney
The main character of The Scarlet Pimpernel puts the strength of his formidable intellect and acting ability to good use by living two lives — one as Sir Percival Blakeney, Baronet, and another as a mysterious hero rescuing condemned aristocrats during the French Revolution. Sir Percy is a great example of just how focused, passionate, and driven ENFPs can be when they’ve set themselves a task that they believe in with ever fiber of their being. Though ENFPs are stereotyped as a type that’s rarely serious and never for long, an ENFP with a mission is a formidable creature indeed. It’s nearly impossible to sway them from an idea or a course of action that they believe in strongly. This is a strength many real-world ENFPs can relate to. It can also cause some problems that I’m sure real ENFPs have encountered, such as neglecting to hear both sides to a situation because you’re so certain your perception of it already accurate (something that causes problems for Sir Percy and Marguerite’s relationship).

Jo March
from Little Women
Rebellious and creative, Jo March captures the frustration and ambition of the ENFP type. Unwilling to comply with social norms, she chases after her dream of becoming a writer, even when society (and Aunt March) frown on her. She sees layers of meaning in the world around her and enjoys imagining colorful stories, both shocking and sweet. Jo’s sense of adventure and her need to live an authentic life will be relatable to any ENFP.

Curious and adventurous, Ariel doesn’t mind bending the rules so that she can have a deeper understanding of the world beyond the sea. Her strong-willed, passionate nature guides her into some murky (literally) situations, but her longing for a world beyond the predictable is something any ENFP will understand.

Nymphadora Tonks
Fiercely determined and non-conforming, Nymphadora Tonks has an individualistic nature that any ENFP will relate to. Deeply devoted to her cause, Nymphadora believes in the importance of justice, honor, and equality. She frequently puts her life on the line in order to help others and will stop at nothing to support Dumbledore. Nymphadora’s curiosity, strong-willed nature, and enthusiasm aptly personify the ENFP type.