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Discover the dark and gripping mystery of The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels. Stephanie Hallett, the internationally bestselling author of The Twyford Code and The Appeal, takes readers on a thrilling journey as true crime journalist Amanda Bailey revisits a long-forgotten cult case. Prepare to be captivated by a story that delves into the depths of brainwashing, suicide, and a missing mother and baby linked to a terrifying prophecy. Will Amanda and her rival Oliver Menzies uncover the truth without becoming entangled in the sinister web themselves? Get ready for a fast-paced and riveting ride with The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels.
Maureen Johnson
2023-01-22T20:44:32.000ZYoung readers will love this classic tale of furry old Grover as he begs them not to turn the page, all to avoid the monster at the end of the book. But, what if the monster is Grover himself? A favorite among generations, this interactive Little Golden Book is now available in a larger format for even more lap-time fun.

Cleaning Sucks
An Unf*ck Your Habitat Guided Journal for Less Mess, Less Stress, and a Home You Don't Hate
A journal that helps you let go of the need for perfection and embrace the reality of good enough cleaning. Explore why you hate cleaning and how to make small changes for big results. This full-color guided journal provides tips, tricks, quotes, and motivation to help you get off your butt and start cleaning. Say goodbye to unattainable goals and hello to a space you love, one that's unique to you.
Maureen Johnson