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Learning in the Fast Lane
The Past, Present, and Future of Advanced Placement
Discover the story behind the Advanced Placement program - the gold standard for academic rigor in American high schools. With over 22,000 schools participating in nearly forty subjects, this book provides a groundbreaking account of one of the most important educational initiatives of our time. It not only opens new intellectual horizons for smart teenagers, but also strengthens school ratings, attracts topflight teachers, and draws support from philanthropists. Dive into the challenges, progress and impact the program has on millions of high school students nationwide.
Michael Petrilli
2019-09-05T16:34:39.000ZTeach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons is the ultimate guide to helping your child gain essential reading skills. Through a step-by-step program, parents will be able to teach their children to read in just 20 minutes a day, resulting in a second-grade reading level within 100 teaching days. The program is easy to follow and enjoyable for both parent and child, with full illustrations and 100 lessons that cover all the basic and advanced skills needed for reading. No complicated tools or directions are required, just you and your child learning together.
Michael Petrilli
2019-05-15T15:47:03.000ZRecommended by
Bethany S. Mandel