5 books on the list
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The Defining Decade
Why Your Twenties Matter--And How to Make the Most of Them Now
Discover why your twenties are the most defining decade of adulthood in this thought-provoking read. Dr. Meg Jay, clinical psychologist, challenges the misconceptions and hype around the twentysomething years, using science and personal stories to show how this time can shape your future. With insights on work, relationships, personality, social networks, identity, and brain development, The Defining Decade is a compelling guide to getting the most out of this critical stage of life.
Hannah Hart
2020-02-28T04:43:08.000ZRecommended by
Ankur WarikooThis powerful memoir tells the story of a young boy growing up during apartheid South Africa. Born to a white Swiss father and a black Xhosa mother, Trevor Noah's very existence was a criminal act. His mother took extreme measures to protect him, but finally liberated by the end of white rule, they set forth on a grand adventure to embrace a newfound freedom. Noah's hilarious, dramatic, and deeply affecting stories form a moving and searingly funny portrait that weaves together a boy's journey in a damaged world in a dangerous time, armed only with a keen sense of humor and a mother's unconventional, unconditional love.
Hannah Hart
2019-06-05T19:45:35.000ZDiscover Ask a Queer Chick, the perfect guide for lesbian, gay, bi, and queer women seeking advice on sex, love, and life. This book is based on a popular and long-running advice column and offers entirely new content. It helps queer readers (and their straight/cis friends) navigate this changing world, covering everything from coming out to walking down the aisle. Ask a Queer Chick is a positive, down-to-earth guide that will resonate with fans of Dan Savage and Cheryl Strayed’s Tiny Beautiful Things.
Hannah Hart
2016-02-03T21:27:40.000ZThis moving memoir chronicles the author's upbringing with unconventional, nomadic parents who pushed their four children to embrace life and learn fearlessly. As dysfunction and financial troubles escalate, Jeannette and her siblings must rely on each other to survive and ultimately escape their tumultuous home. Despite their flaws, the author deeply loves and respects her complex parents, making this an uplifting story of triumph against all odds and unconditional familial love.
Hannah Hart
Driven to Distraction
Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder
Discover the groundbreaking book that has been a lifeline to millions of Americans with ADHD. Revised and updated with current medical information, this comprehensive guide by Edward M. Hallowell and John J. Ratey explores the varied forms ADHD takes, dispels common myths, and offers helpful coping tools. Through vivid stories and case histories, learn about all treatment options and tips for dealing with a diagnosed child, partner, or family member. Most importantly, discover the positives that can come with this "disorder," including high energy, intuitiveness, creativity, and enthusiasm.
Hannah Hart