7 books on the list
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Explore the fascinating history of the colonization of the American West and the essential role played by experts from the Middle East in its settlement. Discover how camel corps led by Syrian cameleers helped secure the new swath of the country just wrested from Mexico. In this evocative and narrative history, learn how the exchange of colonial technologies between the Arabian Peninsula and the United States bound the two regions together, solidifying the colonization of the US West and eventually, the reach of American power into the Middle East.
Discover the fascinating history of risk and probability with this insightful book. From ancient Greek gamblers to modern chaos theory, Peter Bernstein explores how humans have attempted to comprehend and manage risk. Explore how risk impacts everything from game theory to winemaking in this timely and comprehensive read.
Experience the thrilling world of Japanese organized crime with Tokyo Vice, a riveting true-life tale by American investigative journalist Jake Adelstein. Covering the dark side of Japan for twelve years, Adelstein exposes extortion, murder, human trafficking, fiscal corruption, and the infamous yakuza. But when his final scoop results in a death threat for him and his family, Adelstein fights back in this searing memoir about his rise from cub reporter to seasoned journalist. Dive into the neon-soaked streets of Tokyo and uncover the shocking truths of Japanese culture with Tokyo Vice.
Joe Weisenthal
2022-04-06T00:20:17.000ZExplore the fascinating world of Bitcoin's blocksize war, a conflict that took place from August 2015 to November 2017. While it initially appeared to be a debate over data allowances, the war uncovered much deeper issues about who controls Bitcoin's protocol rules. This book provides a chronology of the most significant events, focusing on major characters and offering insights from key players on both sides of the conflict. Discover motivations, strategies, and thought processes in this intriguing read.
Joe Weisenthal
2021-07-24T19:43:35.000ZRecommended by
Max Keiser
Digital Cash
The Unknown History of the Anarchists, Utopians, and Technologists Who Created Cryptocurrency
Discover the incredible story of the pioneers of cryptocurrency in Digital Cash by Finn Brunton. This fascinating book takes us on a journey through the experiments in digital cash dating back to the 1970s, and explores the hard questions and challenges faced by technological utopians and political radicals who created experimental money to bring about their visions of the future. From autonomous zones on the high seas to the world’s most valuable dump, this book examines the origins and remarkable technologies behind today’s cryptocurrency explosion.
Discover the inspiring tale of how a young entrepreneur borrowed $50 from his father and built a global brand - Nike. In Shoe Dog, the founder and board chairman of Nike, Phil Knight, reveals the early days and evolution of the world's most iconic and profitable shoe brand. Knight's story tells of the terrifying risks, crushing setbacks, ruthless competitors, and countless doubters that he encountered along the way, but also of the thrilling triumphs and relationships that formed the heart and soul of Nike. With a shared belief in the redemptive power of sports, Phil Knight and his team created a brand and culture that changed everything.
Joe Weisenthal
2019-10-14T13:49:07.000ZThis award-winning book provides an intelligent explanation of the 2008 economic crisis and its aftermath as a global event that is impacting the world today. Adam Tooze demonstrates the deeply intertwined nature of the European and American financial systems, while emphasizing the significance of this crisis at a global level. Through detailed analysis, he explains how this economic disaster led to a rearrangement of global governance and its impact on current events. This historical perspective is crucial in understanding current economic policies and their consequences.
Joe Weisenthal
2018-08-10T18:36:59.000ZRecommended by
Duncan Weldon