16 books on the list
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The Start-up of You
Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career
Learn how to accelerate your career in today's competitive world by managing it like a start-up business. The Start-Up of You is a revolutionary guide that teaches the best practices of Silicon Valley start-ups and how to apply them to your career. This book will show you how to adapt to changes, win the best jobs and opportunities, build powerful alliances, find breakout opportunities, take proactive risks, and tap into your network for smarter decision making. Become the CEO of your career and take control of your future with The Start-Up of You.
Michael Bloomberg
2022-05-03T21:44:38.000ZExperience the American Revolution through the eyes of fourteen-year-old Johnny Tremain, an apprentice silversmith who discovers new opportunities after a tragic accident. Follow his journey as he becomes a Patriot messenger and rides for The Boston Observer, meeting the likes of John Hancock, Samuel Adams, and Dr. Joseph Warren. Relive the defining events leading up to the Revolution from the Boston Tea Party to the first shots fired at Lexington in this riveting historical novel for children.
Michael Bloomberg
It's How We Play the Game
Build a Business. Take a Stand. Make a Difference.
This inspiring memoir tells the story of the CEO of a multibillion dollar company, who transformed it into a force for good in the communities it serves. From supporting embattled youth sports programs to taking a principled and controversial stand against guns used in mass shootings, this book offers vital lessons for anyone running a business. With eye-opening reflections on what a company owes the people it serves, "It's How We Play the Game" is the insightful story of a man who built one of America's most successful companies by following his heart.
Michael Bloomberg
Discover the courageous and inspiring stories of innovative public servants at the turn of the 20th century, who fought for the needs of ordinary people in a rapidly changing America. From a champion of Native American children to a police chief in Berkeley, Civic Pioneers showcases the heroic and flawed individuals who paved the way for future generations.
Michael Bloomberg
Discover the unconventional principles of one of the world's most successful entrepreneurs and investors, and how they can be applied to achieve unique results in both life and business. Learn about Bridgewater Associates, the fifth most important private company in the US, and the idea meritocracy culture that has led to their success. In Principles, author Ray Dalio outlines hundreds of practical lessons built around "radical truth" and "radical transparency," which can be applied to decision-making in any setting. Gain access to proven advice unlike anything found in conventional business press.
Michael Bloomberg
Gratitude in Low Voices is the inspiring story of Dawit Gebremichael Habte, a refugee from Eritrea who defies the odds to find success in the United States. Despite facing abuse and neglect during his journey to asylum, Dawit remains resilient and positive, eventually studying at Johns Hopkins University and returning to Eritrea to offer business opportunities to his homeland. This powerful account of one man's struggles and triumphs serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion and hope in the face of adversity.
Learn how to prepare for, respond to, and recover from the wicked problems of modern life, including natural disasters, disease and contagion, and social collapse, with this timely and important book. The author presents practical tools and a new way of thinking to help communities and individuals be strong in a world where things often go wrong. With a focus on global interconnectedness and the increasing severity and frequency of disruptions, this book is essential for anyone looking to create a blueprint for change and protect themselves and their communities.
Michael Bloomberg
"Can cities solve the biggest problems of the 21st century better than nations? In this provocative book, the author argues that mayors, not national governments, hold the key to tackling climate change, terrorism, poverty and more. Featuring profiles of successful mayors from around the world, this book presents a compelling new vision of governance for the coming century."
Michael Bloomberg

Exploring Historic Dutch New York
New York City * Hudson Valley * New Jersey * Delaware
Explore the fascinating history of Dutch settlements in New York City with this comprehensive guide. Immerse yourself in the diverse, tolerant and entrepreneurial spirit of these pioneers and their enduring impact on the city. Featuring essays by renowned scholars on Dutch art, architecture, immigration and more, along with stunning color photographs and maps, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in the rich cultural and historical heritage of New York City.
Michael Bloomberg
The Savage Truth On Money by Terry Savage
Brain Gain by Darrell M. West
Urban Green by Peter Harnik
Legacy of Honor by Alvin Townley
The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen
Lighter Than Air by George Mahlberg
The Cost of Winning by Michael H. Cosgrove