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This near-future novel explores the impacts of climate change, technology, politics, and human behavior. The Ministry for the Future was established to advocate for future generations and protect all living creatures. Through fictional eyewitness accounts, Kim Stanley Robinson weaves a visionary and powerful story of a future that is almost upon us. This impactful and original book presents both hope and despair in equal measure, making it one of the most powerful novels on climate change ever written.
Brett Gurewitz
The Death of Expertise
The Campaign against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters
In a world where technology and education provide access to endless information, Tom Nichols' The Death of Expertise examines how this has led to a society that values amateur opinions over expert knowledge. This rejection of experts is fueled by the internet, the trend of customer satisfaction in higher education, and the transformation of news into entertainment. The result is a society where everyone thinks they know everything and any claim to the contrary is dismissed as elitist. This book is a warning about the danger of populism and technocracy, and its message is now more important than ever.
Brett Gurewitz
More from Less
The Surprising Story of How We Learned to Prosper Using Fewer Resources―and What Happens Next
Discover the revolutionary argument that growing technologically sophisticated market-based economies around the world is the key to increasing human prosperity while treading more lightly on our planet. More from Less provides masterfully researched evidence that America and other countries are now generally using less resources year after year, even as their economies and populations continue to grow, thanks to the collaboration between technology and capitalism. This book is a paradigm-shifting account of how humanity stumbled into an unexpectedly better balance with nature, offering the promise of a more abundant and greener future.
Brett Gurewitz
2019-12-23T17:14:44.000ZThis provocative and imaginative book dives into the fundamental role of explanations in the universe, arguing that improving them is the key to successful human endeavor. Award-winning physicist David Deutsch takes readers on a journey through science, civilization, art, moral values, and political theory to explore how we form new explanations and drop bad ones. With deep connections between the laws of nature, the human condition, knowledge, and the potential for progress, The Beginning of Infinity is a highly original and ambitious work.
Brett Gurewitz