13 books on the list
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Discover why Yale researcher Paul Bloom argues against the common belief that empathy is the ultimate source of goodness in society. In Against Empathy, Bloom uses groundbreaking scientific findings to reveal how empathy is a capricious and irrational emotion that leads to inequality and immorality. Instead of relying on empathy, he encourages a more distanced compassion for clearer, fairer, and ultimately more moral decisions and choices in all aspects of our lives. This urgent and humane book shows that limiting our impulse towards empathy may be the most compassionate choice we can make.
Take a fascinating journey through evolution with a renowned biologist as your guide. Loosely based on Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, this innovative work leads you on a pilgrimage back through four billion years to the origins of life on Earth. Join with other organisms at key "rendezvous points" along the way and discover the common ancestors that connect all life. Explore the latest developments and provocative views on evolution, including sexual selection, genetics, and more. This expansive and engaging survey of biological history will leave you with a new appreciation of our incredible relationship with the natural world.
Colin Wright
The Immense Journey
An Imaginative Naturalist Explores the Mysteries of Man and Nature
Anthropologist and naturalist Loren Eiseley blends scientific knowledge and imaginative vision in this story of man.From the Paperback edition....
Panics and Persecutions is a collection of 20 thought-provoking essays from Quillette Magazine, exploring the consequences of ideological conformity and persecution in the digital age. These narratives cover a broad range of subjects, from computer science to romance literature, and offer deep insight into the human toll of modern intellectual inquisitions. This book highlights the importance of free thought and provides a space for thinkers of all political stripes to challenge dominant ideologies.
Colin Wright
2021-03-28T08:34:03.000ZUnmasked is a compelling and deeply researched account of Antifa's history and tactics. Written by a journalist who was attacked by the group in 2019, the book includes interviews with former followers, victims of their violence, and even stories from the author's own life. With never-before-published documents and insights, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding one of the most controversial movements of our time.

Galileo's Middle Finger
Heretics, Activists, and One Scholar's Search for Justice
Galileo’s Middle Finger is a riveting account of the challenges faced by scientists and researchers in defending their search for truth in the face of the politics of identity. Through the lens of Alice Dreger’s own experiences as an intersex rights activist and defender of scientists, this book provides an engrossing education in ethics, activism, and science. It's a clarion call to intellectual responsibility and an impassioned defense of intellectual freedom that shows just how important it is for rigorous pursuit of truth and justice to prevail in our democracy.
Colin Wright
2020-11-21T01:51:03.000ZUncover the mystery behind the rise of gender dysphoria in teenage girls with Irreversible Damage. Abigail Shrier presents alarming statistics and real family stories that highlight the "transgender craze" in America and the West. From disfiguring their own bodies to undermining parents and intimidating dissenters in science, the author uncovers the hidden consequences of this cultural phenomenon. This book is a must-read for anyone with skeptical thoughts about the non-binary future.
Colin Wright
2020-11-13T04:28:43.000ZExplore the roots of moral judgments and human cooperation in this groundbreaking book. Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt challenges conventional thinking about morality, politics, and religion, showing how gut feelings, not reason, drive our moral beliefs. Discover why liberals, conservatives, and libertarians have such different intuitions about right and wrong, and why each side is right about significant issues. The Righteous Mind is a must-read for anyone looking to trade in anger for understanding and gain a deeper insight into our eternal divisions and conflicts.
Colin Wright
Cynical Theories
How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity―and Why This Harms Everybody
A thought-provoking exploration of the controversial dogma that informs modern activist academic fields. From its origins in French postmodernism to its impact on cancel culture and social media, this book delves into the tenets that are all too often embraced as axiomatic in mainstream media. While acknowledging the need to challenge complacency, the authors argue that this often-radical scholarship does far more harm than good, noting its alarmingly inconsistent and illiberal ethics. A must-read for those who value science, reason, and consistently liberal ethics.
Colin Wright
2020-09-02T19:31:50.000ZThe Blank Slate by Steven Pinker
Higher Superstition by Professor Paul R. Gross
Kindly Inquisitors by Jonathan Rauch
Wonderful Life by Stephen Jay Gould