10 books on the list
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"Getting Out of Control" explores the idea of emergent order – a state of order with no central control – and how it can benefit leaders in today's complex world. Author Neil Chilson offers real-world examples and six principles to help readers maximize their influence instead of striving for control. A refreshing and insightful perspective on leadership in a constantly evolving world.
Shoshana Weissmann
A Time to Build
From Family and Community to Congress and the Campus, How Recommitting to Our Institutions Can Revive the American Dream
Renewing America begins with renewing our institutions. In this thought-provoking book, a prominent conservative intellectual argues that polarization and alienation can be overcome by recommitting ourselves to the institutions that have the power to unite us. From families to schools to the military, these structures provide the forms we need to be free. By taking steps to help them be more reliable, we can rebuild the ties that bind Americans to each other, one institution at a time.
Shoshana Weissmann
2022-05-12T23:38:21.000ZRecommended by
Timothy Keller
The Captured Economy
How the Powerful Enrich Themselves, Slow Down Growth, and Increase Inequality
Explore how state action can entrench privilege and subvert market competition, leading to both a stagnating economy and sky-high inequality. Brink Lindsey and Steven M. Teles argue that regulatory barriers have shielded the powerful and privileged from competition, inflating their incomes. Learn how subsidies, excessive copyright protection, occupational licensing, and NIMBY-led land use controls have contributed to this issue. Although freeing the economy from regressive regulatory capture is difficult, the authors offer promising strategies for reform. This powerful and original interpretation of America's mounting economic problems is a must-read for anyone interested in tackling social tensions.
This inspiring memoir follows the journey of the first Deafblind graduate of Harvard Law School, as she overcomes isolation and turns her disability into an opportunity for innovation. From facing off against a bull she couldn't see to helping build a school in Mali, Haben pioneers her way through obstacles and develops a text-to-braille communication system that creates an exciting new way to connect with people. Her many adventures range from the hair-raising to the hilarious, and her uplifting story is a testament to determination and finding connection.
Shoshana Weissmann
2020-12-08T20:55:05.000ZRecommended by
Randy BryceExplore the origins of urban-rural political conflict and how geography shapes elections in America and beyond with this prizewinning political science book. Author Johnathan A. Rodden shows how left-wing parties struggle to capture suburban and rural seats, despite winning big in urban districts. Discover a bold new interpretation of today's political landscape and proposed electoral reforms that could reduce urban-rural polarization.
Shoshana Weissmann
2020-08-11T01:07:49.000ZExplore the pleasures and perils of finding love in the modern world with this in-depth and thought-provoking read. Comedian Aziz Ansari teams up with sociologist Eric Klinenberg to conduct a massive research project that includes hundreds of interviews and focus groups from around the world. Combining humor and social science, this book is unlike any other and provides readers with a new perspective on the ever-changing landscape of modern romance. From analyzing our romantic options to finding the perfect soulmate, Modern Romance is a must-read for anyone navigating the complexities of love in today's world.
Shoshana Weissmann
2020-02-11T16:51:38.000ZRecommended by
Jay ShettyExplore the roots of moral judgments and human cooperation in this groundbreaking book. Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt challenges conventional thinking about morality, politics, and religion, showing how gut feelings, not reason, drive our moral beliefs. Discover why liberals, conservatives, and libertarians have such different intuitions about right and wrong, and why each side is right about significant issues. The Righteous Mind is a must-read for anyone looking to trade in anger for understanding and gain a deeper insight into our eternal divisions and conflicts.
Gain timeless wisdom on living a fulfilled life from the ancient philosophy of Stoicism with A Guide to the Good Life. Author William B. Irvine presents practical advice and techniques for attaining tranquility, minimizing worry, and finding contentment in our modern lives. Learn how to let go of the past, focus on what we can control, and become a more thoughtful observer of our own life in order to avoid chronic dissatisfaction. This engaging and insightful read provides invaluable advice for anyone looking to live a more joyful life.
Shoshana Weissmann
2019-11-19T14:57:10.000ZNeil Gorsuch's "A Republic, If You Can Keep It" is a collection of personal reflections, speeches, and essays by the Supreme Court Justice. Gorsuch shares insights into the Constitution, the role of the judge, and the responsibility of every American citizen to sustain our democratic republic. Drawing on his career as a lawyer, teacher, judge, and justice, he emphasizes the importance of originalism and textualism in interpreting our founding documents and protecting our liberties. This book offers compelling insights into Gorsuch's faith in America and its founding principles.
Shoshana Weissmann
2019-09-13T23:08:59.000ZLaw Man by Shon Hopwood