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This groundbreaking book takes a deep dive into economic history, analyzing the rising inequality of the past two centuries. Winner of multiple book awards and hailed by critics as an intellectual tour de force, it aims to revolutionize the way we think about wealth and its distribution. With sweeping insight and thorough research, the author presents an important study of inequality that cannot be ignored.
Andrew M. Mwenda
2020-10-07T04:45:45.000ZThis groundbreaking book explores the evolution of the human mind through consciousness, morality, creativity, language, and art. The author challenges traditional explanations, arguing that these qualities were sexual attractors, not side effects. Drawing on Darwin's theory of sexual selection and research from various fields, this witty and thought-provoking read offers a radical perspective on our understanding of humanity.
Andrew M. Mwenda
2020-07-08T05:57:40.000ZDiscover the hidden strategy fueling China's rise to become the world's leading superpower, as revealed by one of the U.S. government's leading China experts. Delve into newly declassified national security documents and interviews with Chinese defectors to understand how America has inadvertently helped China replace us. Learn how traditional Chinese statecraft underpins their actions and how they view America as architects of their own demise. The Hundred-Year Marathon is a critical wake-up call and an urgent call to action as we face the greatest national security challenge of the twenty-first century.
Andrew M. Mwenda
2020-06-03T05:15:07.000ZThis insightful history delves into the rhythms and patterns of Chinese diplomacy, tracing key events including the initial encounters between China and modern European powers, the Sino-Soviet alliance, the Korean War, and Richard Nixon's trip to Beijing. With a new final chapter on the country's current role in global economics and politics, this book provides perspective on Chinese foreign affairs from one of the world's premier statesmen.
Andrew M. Mwenda
When China Rules the World
The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order
Discover a world shaped by Chinese power in this updated global bestseller. Soon, China will rule the world, but it won't become more Western. In this essential guide, Martin Jacques shows how China's impact will be political and cultural as much as economic, changing the world as we know it. With nearly 300 pages of new material and the latest statistics, this greatly expanded edition of a critically acclaimed book is a must-read for anyone interested in the new global order. It's been translated into eleven languages and nominated for major literary awards – find out why.
Andrew M. Mwenda
2020-06-03T05:15:07.000ZThe prevailing view of China is that the country is an economic juggernaut sure to become the dominant power of the twenty-first century. In this provocative and stimulating book critically acclaimed author Will Hutton warns instead that China is running up against a set of daunting challenges from within its own political and economic system that ...
Andrew M. Mwenda
2020-06-03T05:15:07.000ZDiscover the rise and fall of Rome in SPQR, as Mary Beard offers a passionate and detail-oriented narration of the history of the ancient empire. From a humble beginning to becoming the masters of the Mediterranean, Beard challenges the traditional historical viewpoints and sheds light on often overlooked aspects such as class struggles and democratic movements. Spanning nearly a millennium, this highly informative and engaging read will leave your hair standing on end, earning its place as a modern classic - shaping our view of Rome for many years to come.
Andrew M. Mwenda
2020-04-18T07:09:05.000ZRecommended by
Adam SavageExplore the roots of moral judgments and human cooperation in this groundbreaking book. Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt challenges conventional thinking about morality, politics, and religion, showing how gut feelings, not reason, drive our moral beliefs. Discover why liberals, conservatives, and libertarians have such different intuitions about right and wrong, and why each side is right about significant issues. The Righteous Mind is a must-read for anyone looking to trade in anger for understanding and gain a deeper insight into our eternal divisions and conflicts.
Andrew M. Mwenda