Best Books on Game Theory
Strategize your way to better decision-making with the best books on game theory, consistently lauded by intellectuals and experts across influential book blogs and academic journals.
22 books on the list
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Theory of Games and Economic Behavior
60th Anniversary Commemorative Edition
Discover the groundbreaking mathematical theory of economic and social organization based on a theory of games of strategy in this classic work. The book revolutionized economics and yielded an entirely new field of scientific inquiry - game theory. Widely used today to analyze a host of real-world phenomena, game theory has made optimal policy choices, arms races, and even baseball salary negotiations understandable. This sixtieth anniversary edition includes an introduction, afterword, and original reviews, giving readers a matchless opportunity to more fully appreciate a work whose influence will resound for generations to come.
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Discover a no-nonsense, games-centered textbook that introduces strategic and game tree games from basic to complex. Learn game theoretical tools necessary to solve them quickly and efficiently. Great for beginners in both game theory and political science.
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Learn the art of strategy and rigorous strategic thinking with this insightful book. Game theory is the practice of anticipating your opponent's moves, and developing a new way of seeing the world. With diverse case studies from pop culture, sports, politics, and history, this lively book shows how game theory plays a role in almost every business and personal interaction. Mastering game theory will lead to success in both business and life.
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This comprehensive textbook on Game Theory covers a wide range of topics, such as strategic and extensive form games, bargaining theory, auctions, reputation building, and more. The author, Steven Tadelis, explores rational decision making and its implications for multiperson decision problems, before delving into the subject of Nash equilibrium and its derivatives. This is the perfect textbook for advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students, with real-world examples and exercises to help formalize situations and analyze them. Applications to economics and political science are also included.
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Discover the fascinating world of game theory with this book, which features some of the best articles from Game Theory Tuesdays, a popular column from the blog Mind Your Decisions. Through a series of stories and over 30 illustrations, learn how to recognize strategic games and make better decisions in no-win situations. Explore interactive decision making, understand the theory, and practically implement solutions that can transform your outcomes. Whether you're a casual gamer or an avid strategist, this book is the perfect starting point to master game theory.
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Discover the foundations and applications of game theory with this engaging and accessible book. From investment decisions to political power, this field of study has become essential in understanding social and economic problems. You'll explore two-person and n-person games, utility theory, and much more. With problems and solutions in each chapter, readers will be given the opportunity to test their knowledge and compare it to the author's expertise. For anyone interested in intellectual systems, this is a must-read that offers a valuable introduction to game theory.
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Discover The Evolution of Cooperation, a classic book that sheds light on the question of whether cooperation is truly possible in a world of individual egoists without a central authority. Author Robert Axelrod explores the emergence of cooperation across different fields and recounts famous computer tournaments where the “cooperative” program Tit for Tat came out victorious. Gain valuable insights and learn how to apply cooperative principles to your own life and teach them to others.
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Explore the fascinating world of game theory and discover how it sheds light on our decision-making processes. From predicting strategic moves in games to understanding global politics and social interactions, economists Ivan and Tuvana Pastine draw on psychology, biology, and sociology to explain why we sometimes cooperate, clash, or act randomly. Illustrated by Tom Humberstone, Introducing Game Theory is a thought-provoking tour of this captivating field.
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"Thinking in Bets" by Annie Duke is a guide to making better decisions in an uncertain world. Using examples from business, sports, politics, and poker, Duke shows how embracing uncertainty and thinking in probabilities can lead to long-term success. Learn how to assess what you know and don't know, avoid knee-jerk reactions and biases, and become more confident and successful in decision-making.
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Explore the difference between finite and infinite games in this powerful book. While the former is defined by clear rules and an endpoint, the latter is unpredictable, ever-changing, and has no winners or losers. The author explains how playing with a finite mindset in an infinite game can hold you back in life and business. However, leaders who embrace an infinite mindset can build stronger, innovative, and inspiring organizations where trust and cooperation thrive. Discover how adopting an infinite mindset can help you leave your organization in better shape than you found it.
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A Splendid Exchange by William J. Bernstein
A Beautiful Mind by Sylvia Nasar
The Strategy of Conflict by Thomas C. Schelling
Game Theory by Michael Maschler
Game Theory by Jean Tirole Drew Fudenberg
A Course in Game Theory by Martin J. Osborne
Game Theory by Roger B. Myerson
Reinventing the Bazaar by John McMillan
Game Theory for Applied Economists by Robert S. Gibbons
Hidden Games by Erez Yoeli, Moshe Hoffman
Game Theory by Ken Binmore
Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt