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Learn how to create a unique position in the minds of your prospective customers using this groundbreaking approach outlined in the book. With insightful case studies and witty writing, advertising gurus Ries and Trout explain how to make and position an industry leader or follower, analyze recent trends, and use your current position to your advantage. This revised edition includes significant developments since the original publication. A must-read for anyone in business today.
Aaron Levie
Dealing with Darwin
How Great Companies Innovate at Every Phase of Their Evolution
Learn how to adapt and differentiate your established business in today's economic ecosystem with this guide by Geoffrey Moore. Drawing from over 100 real-world examples and a full-length case study based on his access to Cisco Systems, Moore shows companies how to meet today's Darwinian challenges and avoid declining performance and eventual extinction. He offers strategies for choosing the right innovation approach and overcoming internal resistance, as well as demonstrating how innovations in execution can help boost productivity in any market. For businesses competing in today's cutthroat economy, this groundbreaking guide shows how to not only survive but thrive.

Blue Ocean Strategy
How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant
Discover a groundbreaking approach to business strategy that has taken the world by storm! Blue Ocean Strategy challenges traditional competition-focused thinking, and shows that sustained, profitable growth is not achieved by battling rivals, but by creating "blue oceans" — untapped market spaces ripe for growth. Learn from W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne as they share their extensive research and outline the principles and tools any company can use to make the competition irrelevant and create their own blue ocean. A bestseller across five continents, this landmark work charts a bold new path to winning the future.

Behind the Cloud
The Untold Story of How Salesforce.com Went from Idea to Billion-Dollar Company-and Revolutionized an Industry
Discover the secrets behind salesforce.com's explosive growth in "Behind the Cloud" by visionary founder Marc Benioff. Learn how his team created new business, technology, and philanthropic models to thrive during a time of change. This book will inspire business leaders and entrepreneurs to innovate, grow, and succeed, regardless of economic climate.
Aaron Levie
Crossing the Chasm
Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers
This essential guidebook for high-tech marketing has transformed the way products are brought to larger markets. With new insights on Internet marketing, it's a must-read for anyone invested in the world's most innovative marketplace.
Aaron Levie
2014-10-30T00:00:00.000ZLearn how even the most successful companies can lose market leadership in the face of disruptive innovation. Renowned author Clayton M. Christensen offers a set of rules for capitalizing on these new waves of innovation, using both successes and failures from leading companies as a guide. This classic bestseller, cited by the likes of Steve Jobs and Malcolm Gladwell, is a must-read for any manager, leader, or entrepreneur.
Aaron Levie